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晓开帘,欲平檐。Xiao open shade to flat eaves.

屋檐上挂着冰柱。Icicles depended from the eaves.

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雨水从屋檐滴下来。Rainwater trickled from the eaves.

晓开帘,欲平檐。Xiao open shade, desire flat eaves.

雨水从屋檐滴下。The rain water drips from the eaves.

燕子在屋檐下筑巢。The swallows nested under the eaves.

瀑布冲刷着檐口。The waterfall splashed over the eaves.

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挑檐是建筑屋面的一个组成部分。Shoulder eaves is part of building roof.

无数的麻雀在屋檐下啾鸣。Countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.

他们生活在非常小的氏族群体的屋檐之下。They lived in eaves in very small ' elan'groups.

久疏风雨,谁在檐前歌且舞?Long thin rain, who in the eaves song and dance before?

屋檐和落叶树提供了最佳的遮阳。Eaves and deciduous trees allows optimal sun protection.

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不分小亭芳草绿,映檐低。Grass green, regardless of kiosk, reflect the low eaves.

农家屋檐下挂着一架架正在风干的鱼。Racks of drying fish hang under the eaves of farmhouses.

那个时候,我最喜欢的是延长路平型关路口的清平檐。At that time, the pub I enjoyed most was the Recluse Eaves.

同样一个站在屋檐下避雨的人抖了抖已经湿透的衣服。It was a person under the eaves shaking out a drenched coat.

你的关闭了的故居檐头的枯死的瓦菲。The withered weeds on the tiled eaves of your shut-up house.

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瓦当有着强烈的不同时代的艺术风格。Eaves Tiles have a strong artistic styles of different times.

第七,不要让喋喋不休的燕子占据了你的屋檐。Seventhly, do not allow a prating swallow to possess your eaves.

飘寒摧玉枝,挂白镀飞檐。Floating cold, white jade branch homey hang in the eaves plating.