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我们应采取措施削减非生产性开支。We should take measures to keep down nonproductive expenses.

无痰干咳需用镇咳药止咳,以避免并发症。Nonproductive coughs need an antitussive to stop the coughing.

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一个企业应该注意减少非生产的开支。An enterprise should pay attention to taking off nonproductive expense.

即使在油价上升的时候,武器投资从长期而言也是没有生产作用的。Even when oil prices rise, investment in arms is nonproductive in the long run.

这是一个间歇过程,这意味着有一个相当数量的非生产性的产能,“他说。It’s a batch process, which means that there’s a fair amount of nonproductive capacity,” he said.

除非你积极地作别地事情,否则坐在电脑旁是一个令人无力、没有成果的。Sitting in front of a computer is draining and nonproductive , unless you are active doing other things.

作为一种非生产性活动,服务已成为社会经济不可或缺的部分。Service is no longer a concept or a nonproductive activity. It has become part of social and economic life.

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执行长的工作往往会伴随著仪式性、没有实效的活动,我们首先会将这些活动加以排除。First, we eliminate all of the ritualistic and nonproductive activities that normally go with the job of CEO.

在这样的交互中,强迫用户进行与工作无关的窗口管理任务完全不合理。It is completely unreasonable to force the user to add nonproductive window-management tasks to this interaction.

生产性劳动和非生产性劳动都可以是形成价值的劳动,也可以是不形成价值的劳动。Productivity labor and nonproductive labor can be the labor that forms value, also can be the labor that does not form value.

在计划经济时代,城市建设是非生产性建设,过于强调城市基础设施的福利性、公益性。City construct is nonproductive to excessively emphasize welfare and commonweal of basic establishment in planned economy age.

非生产劳动不过是在生产劳动的基础上产生的满足人类的新增需求的劳动。The nonproductive labor is but the labor produced to satisfy man's newly increased requirement on the foundation of productive labor.

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于此同时,我国很多港口的拥挤现象也越来越严重,导致船舶在港的非生产性停留时间很长。At the same time, the crowding phenomenon in ports is also becoming increasingly serious, which leads to unnecessary nonproductive stay in port.

最常见的临床症状包括干咳、哮喘和继发于肿瘤腔内生长所致的梗阻性呼吸困难。The most common clinical symptoms include a nonproductive cough, wheezing, and dyspnea secondary to obstruction from endoluminal growth of tumor.

问题是,不以无效方式支出那笔资金,而使其发挥作用的正面影响是什么?The question is what's the positive effect that you get from not spending that money in a nonproductive manner and putting that same money to work?

非生产性停留时间是有调中时和每车停时的主要影响因素。Nonproductive detention time is the key ingredient that influences detention time of car in transit with resorting and the detention time of each car.

他们将确保生产领域的流动性,并将继续控制房地产等非生产经济领域的贷款。They will ensure liquidity for productive uses and will continue to discourage lending to the nonproductive segments of the economy, such as property.

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结论痰诱导可行性好、不良反应发生率低,为慢性咳嗽的诊断、治疗提供了一项可靠的评价气道炎症的指标。Induced sputum can provide a reliable data of airway inflammation for the patients with chronic nonproductive cough in clinical diagnosis and treatment.

机器开始以最大速度运行来减少非加工时间,但当他达到数据定义的位置时,机器开始减速。The machine moves initially at maximum velocity in order to reduce nonproductive time but decelerates as the tool reaches its numerically defined position.

脑力劳动在价值创造中占据了主导地位,生产性劳动和非生产性劳动逐步融合,精神生产的劳动广泛发展。Mental labor plays a dominant role in value creation, productive labor and nonproductive labor come to fuse and labor in production of food for thought grows.