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只谈谈比尔的獒性。Only chats Bill's mastiff nature.

鱼塘边的树上拴着家里的藏獒。Fish ponds edge of the tree leash their home Tibetan mastiff.

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马士提夫犬是一种高大、魁梧、匀称的狗,结构紧密。The Mastiff is a large, massive, symmetrical dog with a well-knit frame.

大力士是一只英国獒,颈部有38英寸,重量达到282磅。Hercules is an English Mastiff and has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds.

有一条特点最突出的公獒“东风”是园中之宝。The most prominent male dog "Dong Feng" is a treasure in the mastiff kennel.

Mastiff是广泛使用的六轮驱动美洲豹汽车的英国变种。Mastiff is the British variant of the widely used six-wheel-drive Cougar vehicle.

曹先生每天早上一起来就直奔獒园,怎么看也看不够,有时连喂食都亲历亲为。Mr. Cao every day got up to the Mastiff Kennel, and sometimes personally feeding.

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卡特觉得她无法给她200磅的英国獒一个正常的名字。Natilee Carter figured that she couldn't give her 200-pound English mastiff a normal name.

北京雪域神峰獒园位于北京市顺义区木林镇。Cultivates the porch mastiff garden located at Beijing Shunyi District Beijing on the way side.

世界上最重也是最长的狗,有记录的是一条英国的老马斯提夫叫苏巴。The worlds heaviest as well as longest dog ever recorded was an Old English Mastiff named Zorba.

北美,碎冰令这头大驯犬在滑下一段斜坡时显得跌跌撞撞。Crumbling ice makes for a precarious journey for this mastiff sliding down a slope in North America.

费尔滕斯坦表示,在美国,区区几百美元就能买到藏獒的幼仔。In the US, an mastiff pups can be bought for as little as several hundred dollars, Feltenstein said.

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费尔滕斯坦说,在美国,区区几百美元就能买到藏獒。In the US, Tibetan mastiff pups can be bought for as little as several hundred dollars, Feltenstein said.

藏獒犬一般用来看家护院,也是很聪明的犬种。The mastiff was generally used as a guard dog and is widely recognized as a particularly intelligent species.

不用问,在这次意义非凡的皇家聚会中,当然是兰普取代了维拉斯盖兹画作中那只马士提夫獒犬。Naturally it is Lump who replaces Velázquez's noble mastiff in this extraordinary, parodical royal assemblage.

藏獒血统纯正,品相佳,大狮头,大骨架,毛量好,吊眼吊嘴。Pure Tibetan mastiff descent, appearance is good, big head, large frame, Mao Lianghao, lifting eye hanging mouth.

一只11个月大、名叫宏东或者大斑点的幼年藏獒,在中国价值15万美元。An 11-month old Tibetan mastiff puppy named Hong Dong, or Big Splash, went for 1.5 million U. S. dollars in China.

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一只公的吉娃娃要与一只母的英国獒犬成事的唯一可能,还需要攀岩或洞穴探险设备的辅助才行。But face it, the only shot a male Chihuahua has with a female Mastiff involves rock climbing or spelunking equipment.

上文提到的那幅巨狗的图片,即是其中之一,据说那家伙足有282磅,爪子“如垒球般大小”。That widely circulated photograph of Hercules, a 282-pound mastiff with "paws the size of softballs, " is one example.

巴哥犬又叫中国哈巴狗、荷兰牛头犬、荷兰獒,这种狗的原产地是中国。The other names of this dog are Chinese pug, Dutch bulldog, Dutch mastiff, Mini mastiff and its country of origin is China.