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鹰击长空,水獭戏水,那是米诺尔人的家乡。The eagles fly and the otters play, In the land of the Seminole.

现今约有2,000名塞米诺尔人居住在佛罗里达州,5,000人居住在奥克拉荷马州。Today about 2, 000 Seminole live in Florida and 5, 000 in Oklahoma.

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吹吧,米诺尔之风尽情吹拂,仿佛你将永远不再吹起。So blow, blow Seminole wind, Blow like you're never gonna blow again.

这项活动是所设的塞米诺尔硬岩赌场在好莱坞,佛罗里达州。The event is hosted by the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL.

佛罗里达州立大学男子篮球队在上世纪曾有过不俗的表现。The Men's Seminole basketball team has enjoyed some NCAA Success in the past century.

塞米诺尔战争结束之后的1842年,塞米诺尔人面临重新安置到邻近俄克拉何马州的印第安人的领地。After the end of the Seminole Wars in 1842, the Seminoles faced relocation to Indian territory near Oklahoma.

这是在同一时间的一部分,正常饮食的印第安人西米诺尔人,即使口味已被描述为令人深恶痛绝的一些。It was at one time part of the regular diet of the native American Seminole people, even though the taste has been described as repugnant by some.

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其大部分建造的费用来自CMAA佛罗里达分会米诺尔区所举办的高尔夫球巡回赛的捐款。The building of the complex was funded in large part by money donated from golf tournaments held by the Seminole Region of CMAA's Florida Chapter.

就其本身而言,佛罗里达州的Seminole郡的公立学校系统计划在本学年的剩余阶段继续它的成绩单激励计划。For its part, the Seminole County Public Schools system in Florida plans to continue its report card incentive program through the rest of the school year.

尽管不少塞米诺尔人遭到俘虏后被送到西边,但也有相当一部分数量的族人成功避开政府的控制,继续留在佛罗里达。Although many were eventually captured and removed to the west, a substantial number of Seminole people managed to elude the authorities and remain in Florida.

19世纪早期,由于克里克战争而迫使离开家园的克里克人,逃跑的非洲奴隶以及其他的印第安人形成了这个地区的塞米诺尔国家。In the early 19th century, Creeks, escaped African slaves, and other Indians from northern Florida displaced by the Creek War formed the area's Seminole nation.

在塞米诺尔族,一个由少数领导组成的团队在1832年签署了迁移条约,但大多数族人抗议说签名无权代表他们的意愿。A small group of Seminole leaders negotiated a removal agreement in 1832, but a majority of the tribe protested that the signatories had no authority to represent them.