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一只藏在窝里的狼。A wolf in its lair.

这个村子曾一度是海盗藏匿之处。The village was once a pirates' lair.

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我们跟踪受伤的老虎到牠的兽穴。We stalked the wounded tiger to its lair.

一只饥饿的豺狗早己把尸首拖入自己的洞穴。A hungry jackal had dragged it to his lair.

它逃回到它在荒野中的巢穴中,死在了那里。He slinks back to his lair in the moors and dies.

他的窝在马利容桥拱的暗沟里。For his lair he had the sewer of the Arche-Marion.

现在何竟荒凉,成为野兽躺卧之处。What a ruin she has become, a lair for wild beasts!

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大雕将其尸体带回树梢上的窝里。The eagle carries the body back to its treetop lair.

如果那个兽穴里有熊的话,咱们最好要小心!If there's a bear in that lair we'd better take care!

洞内远处一个角落是狼窝。In the farthest corner of the cave was the wolf's lair.

引导我不在怪物的兽穴上方,好吗!Just don ' t steer me over the monster ' s lair , okay !

黎渊窝在她怀里闷闷的应了。The lair of Li Yuan is very stuffy in her brisket ought.

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摧毁这个无知窟窖,那罪恶渊薮也就毁灭掉了。Destroy the cavern Ignorance and you destroy the lair Crime.

还有两盏闪亮亮的灯可以标注你所在的位置和下一个目的地。Includes two blinky lights to mark your lair or next target.

2006年起,法律禁止猎杀在喜马拉雅熊栖息地猎杀熊。Since 2006 it has been illegal to hunt Himalayan bears in a lair.

当他们冲到科玛斯居所的时候忘记改变他棒子的方向了。They forget to reverse Comus' wand when they rush in to his lair.

我们要一举捣毁这处窟穴,把土匪一网打尽!We should destroy the lair at one stroke and wipe out the bandits.

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拯救王国,并按照女巫的邪恶道路回到自己的窝。Save the kingdom and follow the witch's evil path back to her lair.

如果一客人在你的地盘惹恼你。不要对他仁慈。要残忍对待他。If a guest in your lair annoys you. treat him cruelly and without mercy.

一天傍晚一只大灰狼带着饱满的精神和极佳的食欲离开他的狼窝,出去觅食。Wolf left his lair one evening in fine spirits and an excellent appetite.