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这样确定阳光能直接进入前厅。This ensures sunlight entry directly into the forecourt.

警卫是在前庭的栏杆后面完成每天早上的换班的。The guards are changed in the morning in the forecourt behind the railings.

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前院中的森林移植到了英国皇家园林。The forest in the forecourt has been planted in collaboration with Kew Gardens.

庄园前院挤满了高档轿车,而且它们肯定不可能时修女们能负担地的起的。The graveled forecourt in front of the manor was crowded with cars, and they weren't nun cars.

但是唯独有一个地方几乎完全逃过这种重新划拨,也就是这所大学的前院。But one spot that almost entirely escaped this re-appropriation is the forecourt of the university.

更换或清洗车轮及轮胎是维修站将汽车停放在展厅前首先要完成的工作。Revitalising wheels and tyres is the first thing a garage will do when putting a car on the forecourt.

车商正催促环保局不要批准E15上市一点也不奇怪。No surprise, then, that motor manufacturers have been urging the EPA not to allow E15 on the forecourt.

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结论听神经瘤早期临床表现为耳蜗与前庭功能异常。Conclusion The earlier performance of acoustic neuroma is the abnormal function of cochlea and forecourt.

建筑的前厅,如早期的基督教堂,三面或四面有柱廊围绕。The forecourt of a building, such as an early Christian church, enclosed on three or four sides with porticoes.

这场针对比基尼客户的促销活动是该公司最新的促销活动,为了起到宣传的作用,该公司已经把加油站的前院改装成了沙滩的样子。The petrol station turns its forecourt into a beachfront for its latest promotion of free fuel to bikini-clad customers.

几乎就在同一时刻,饭店前院里冲击警察防线的示威者突破了防线。At virtually the same moment the crowd of demonstrators in the hotel forecourt had rushed the police line and broken them.

生产车间沿着道路建造,而在品尝区可以看到前院。The production hall evolves along the road, whereas the tasting area is orientated with its viewing side towards the forecourt.

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在喝茶聊天后他继续赶他的路了,而我在前院来回逛寻找搭车的地方。After a cup of tea and a chat he went on his way while I wandered across the forecourt scanning for a possible spot to start hitching.

王宫暂时关闭,但几天之后照常售票,挪威人和各国游客在王宫前庭中徜徉。The Royal Palace shut briefly but four days later it was business as usual, with Norwegians and tourists milling around the forecourt.

在前庭的下首,有个九柱戏场,周围摆着条凳和小木桌,桌上印着一些圆圈,是摆啤酒杯的标志。Down on one side of the forecourt ran a skittle-alley, with benches along it and little wooden tables marked with rings that hinted at beer-mugs.

在三人遇害的修车铺前的空地上,五十名当地的穆斯林和锡克社区成员聚集在一起进行烛光守夜。On the forecourt of the garage where the three died, members of the local Muslim and Sikh community came together for prayers in a candlelit vigil.

奥巴马回答了印度男女青年提出的问题,他们挤满了这所由德国耶稣会创立于1869年的天主教大学的前院。Obama took several questions from young Indian men and women, who filled the forecourt of the Catholic college that was founded by German Jesuits in 1869.

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连锁超市Morrisons最近展开了新一轮的价格战,无铅汽油降价到89.9便士/升,柴油降到105.9便士/升。The supermarket chain Morrisons recently started a new forecourt price war when it cut the price of unleaded petrol to 89.9p a litre and diesel to 105.9p.

大楼前院有大型户外木甲板和未来的零售空间,在打开的窗口设有供学生享受的木椅。The building forecourt has a large outdoor wooden deck and around the future retail space, within the window pop outs, are timber seats for students to enjoy.