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他是一个圆滑的朝臣。He was an adroit courtier.

这样的一本线装书就是在几位姑娘的巧手之下装订好的。A thread-sewn book has thus been bound by these adroit girls.

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在中国新诗史上,“现代派”是营造意象的高手。In chinese free-style verse modernism is adroit at creating images.

我爸爸尤其擅长做些手工上色的小装饰品。My dad was specially adroit at making small hand-painted ornaments.

有关他传奇的巧妙的奉承从一个城市漂流到另一个城市。The adroit adulation about his legend was adrift from this city to another.

但中国的国有企业似乎不那么善于利用这些资产。But China's state-owned enterprises seem less adroit at exploiting those assets.

经由技巧高超的律师手法,法尔把这项错误转为已方明确的优势。Through some adroit lawyering, Faal turned that mistake to a decisive advantage.

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尽管克鲁格精通于金融盗窃,但他对早期的诈骗犯罪形式却知之甚少。However adroit in financial larceny, he was an amateur in more rudimentary forms of crime.

如果你要表达的信号太弱或者没有意义,就算用上世上最熟练的手部动作也帮不了你。The most adroit hand gesture in the world will not save you if your message is weak or nonexistent.

聪明的运营商考虑到这一点,从而向来游泳的人提供美食。The adroit operator makes use of this and correspondingly offers food in step with bathers ' tastes.

最大的未知数是中国的领导层是否具有足够的熟练维持国内稳定。The big unknown is whether the Chinese leadership can be adroit enough to maintain domestic stability.

她在派对中几乎要喝醉了,她变得很风趣、善于交际,这大大地吸引了他的注意力。This time it is another party and she has had too much to drink. She is funny and adroit and catches his attention.

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但是佩恩对细节进行精准的把握,对天赋异禀的历史想象力进行熟练的运用使得读者能够复活这些故事。But Mr Penn, with a sharp eye for detail and adroit use of a gifted historical imagination, lets readers relive them.

与北京相比,有的城市在教育及办学问题上处理得就更巧妙。But the urban economy relies on migrant labour, and some cities have been much more adroit than Beijing in providing schools.

散文诗咒语是真我的精明系统,荣曜出一个新版本的梦想,在梦想时间发生的事件上改变。Prose incantations are adroit systems of self that accolade new versions of dream that are transfigured upon the dreamtime of the event.

本杰明。富兰克林年轻时愣头愣脑,缺乏交际技能,后来却颇具外交策略,在处理人际关系中游刃有余,被任命为美国驻法大使。Benjamin Franklin,tactless in his youth,became so diplomatic,so adroit at handling people that he was made American Ambassador to France.

本杰明。富兰克林年轻时愣头愣脑,缺乏交际技能,后来却颇具外交策略,在处理人际关系中游刃有余,被任命为美国驻法大使。Benjamin Frankiln, tactless in his youth, became so diplomatic, so adroit at handling people that he was made American Ambassador to France.

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下半场开始后米兰更加活跃,卡卡机智敏捷的脚后跟传球为插上的舍甫琴科创造了破门良机,乌克兰人当然不会错过。Milan were given further breathing space at the start of the second half when two minutes in Kakà produced an adroit backheel for Shevchenko to slot home.

这小普吕戎,我们在戈尔博老屋谋害案里只随便望过一眼,那是个非常狡猾、非常能干、外表憨气十足、愁眉苦脸的健壮小伙子。The latter, of whom the reader caught but a glimpse at the Gorbeau house, was a very cunning and very adroit young spark, with a bewildered and plaintive air.

诡道攻其无备,出其不意,运用灵活的战术,快速机动和伪装欺敌来战胜敌人。" art of deception " , which means attacking suddenly while the enemy is not prepared , using adroit tactics , swift mobility , and deception to crush the enemy.