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他背后躺着灰色的亚速尔岛Behind him lay the gray Azores

从拉普兰到亚速而岛,统一的货币已经成为了现实。From Lapland to the Azores , the single currency is a reality.

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亚速尔群岛东距葡萄牙1145公里,西距美国本土3200公里。Azores 1145 km west of Portugal, 3200 km west of the United States.

亚速尔群岛就是中部大西洋山脉的几座山峰的尖端。The Azores are the tops of peaks in the mid-Atlantic mountain range.

亚速尔群岛就是大西洋中部山脉露出水面的几座山峰。The Azores are the tops of peaks in the mid-Atlantic mountain range.

亚速尔群岛发生一次6级以上地震。An earthquake of magnitude 6 or over took place in the Azores Islands.

一个由蒸汽和黑灰组成的烟柱冲天而起,笼罩在法亚尔的亚速尔群岛上的卡佩罗村上空。A column of black ash and steam rises over the village of Capelo on the Azores island of Faial.

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北大西洋中的一个岛,位于艾兹鲁中部。法亚尔因其大量的植物而闻名。An island of the central Azores in the northern Atlantic Ocean. Faial is noted for its abundant plant life.

1872年,有人看见“玛莉·克里斯特”号在亚速尔群岛附近航行,但当时船上空无一人——船员已经全部失踪了。The Mary Celeste was found sailing off the Azores in 1872 with no one aboard. The entire crew had vanished.

而种族和地理上都接近于母国葡萄牙的亚速尔和马德拉则仍是葡萄牙的一部分。The Azores and Madeira, ethnically and geographically closest to the mother country, are still part of Portugal.

你可以如此清楚地看到大洋中间的亚述尔群岛,下面一点则是马德拉,再远一点是加纳利群岛和佛得角。You can see the Azores in the middle of the ocean. A little below Madeira and further Canary Islands and Cape Verde.

亚速尔群岛是火山岛,地势崎岖,森林茂密,湖多水清,地热资源丰富。Azores is a volcanic island, rugged terrain, dense forests, lakes and more clear water, rich in geothermal resources.

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飓风中心预测说风暴将横跨开阔的大西洋向葡萄牙海域亚速尔群岛移动。The Hurricane Center predicted the storm will advance across the open Atlantic toward the Azores archipelago off Portugal.

亚速尔群岛位于大西洋中部,由9个主要岛屿组成,距离葡萄牙海岸约1450公里,距离美国海岸约3200公里。Azores in the Atlantic, from 9 major islands, about 1450 kilometers from the coast of Portugal, about 3200 kilometers from the U. S. coast.

举例来说,英国冬天的气侯是与冰岛低压和亚速尔高压有紧密联系的。The weather we get in UK winters, for example, is strongly linked to the contrasting pressure between the Icelandic low and the Azores high.

亚速尔群岛就是大西洋中部山脉露出水面的几座山峰。The tops of a few of the mountains reach up above the sea and make islands. The Azores are the tops of peaks in the mid-Atlantic mountain range.

他经过爱尔兰、安地卡和亚速尔群岛航行到英国后,碰上恶劣天气导致帆船无法继续航行,最后只好改搭渡轮到欧陆。After sailing to the UK via Ireland, Antigua and the Azores he eventually took a ferry ride to mainland Europe when bad weather stopped him from sailing.

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亚特兰提斯的地点还有地中海、加纳利群岛、亚速尔群岛、加勒比海、突尼西亚、西非、瑞典、冰岛,甚至南美洲。Atlantis also has been "found" in the Mediterranean , the Canaries, the Azores , the Caribbean , Tunisia , West Africa , Sweden , Iceland and even South America.

2007年当我在亚速尔群岛海边跳入3米深的水中与抹香鲸共泳时,我无法抑制地想向他表达歉意。When, in the summer of 2007, I dove into the three-mile deep waters off the Azores and swam with sperm whales, my overwhelming reaction was to offer my apologies.

虽然游客可以在葡萄牙本土沿岸体验到放长线钓大鱼的刺激感,但最棒的钓点其实是在亚述群岛及马德拉群岛的外海处。Although visitors can experience exciting big game fishing along the coast of the Portuguese mainland, the best fishing is found off the islands of Azores and Madeira.