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我们可以赊账吗?Can we charge it?

指控还是没有?In charge or not?

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这是什么费用?What is this charge?

现在先记在账上,以后再付款。Charge now, pay later.

中子不带电。Neutron has no charge.

谁是这里的主管?Who is in charge here?

但具体怎么收费呢?But how much to charge?

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入到我的房帐吧。Charge to my room bill.

贵行是如何收费的?How much do you charge?

伊朗否认这些指控。Iran denies the charge.

我指控他犯了偷窃罪。I charge him with theft.

他们不会额外收费。They don't charge extra.

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我来付电费,这是缴费卡。This is the Charge Card.

什么是元负荷?What is the unit charge?

检查并为雷达充电。Check and charge the GPR.

请将电瓶充电。Charge the battery,please.

是用现金还是刷卡?Will all be cash or charge?

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他矢口否认这个指控。He flatly denied the charge.

这项工作归他管。He is in charge of the task.

请将费用算到我的房费中。Please charge it to my room.