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火灾探测和警报系统通知器单位。Fire detection and alarm system annunciator unit.

灭蚊器、花园用品、门铃、防盗器。Mosqyito trap, garden products, door bell, annunciator.

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多行播种共用一个报警器,便于安装。Annunciator is used by the rows of seeding convenient for stalling.

为克服以上不足,提出一种新型剩余电流报警器。A new type Annunciator is put forward in order to avoid disadvantages.

本文讲述一种火灾报警器电源设计。This paper introduces a design of one power sup- ply of fire annunciator.

控制信号面板呼梯蜂鸣器的延迟时间,如果提供了一个面板的话。Controls delay of annunciator panel call pending buzzer if a panel is provided.

如果测量超过上限,自动发出报警声提示。If the value of sideslips goes beyond, the annunciator can send out warning tone automatically.

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每一个在接触上导电领头的方法边缘连接一部分或者预报信号。Method in which each conductive lead on the contact edge connects to one segment or annunciator.

测试仪是由感知振荡器电路、耦合电路和报警电路组成。The test set consists of induction-oscillator generator, coupling circuit and annunciator circuit.

通知器单位指出电梯的位置和是否它们正常运行。Annunciator unit visually indicating the location of the elevators and whether they are operational.

本报警器能实时发射与接收信号,准确地产生报警信号。The annunciator can launching and receiving signals immediately, produce warning signals accurately.

利用AT89C51单片机为控制核心,设计一种实用的噪声报警装置。This paper uses microcontroller AT89C51 as the control core, and designs a practical noise annunciator.

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数字地震监测台电路设计有UPS、发电机、隔离变压器、报警器等组成。The circuitry design of digital seismic station contains of UPS, dynamotor, transformer, annunciator etc.

它适合比赛和遥控防盗报警器,译码、调试和检查。It is suitable for the remote control and the match of anti-theft annunciator , decoding, debugging and check.

研制了一种新型LED阵列和相匹配的聚光透镜阵列构成的高亮度LED铁路信号机光学系统。A novel high-luminosity LED railway annunciator composed of LED array and lens array was studied and developed.

本实用新型涉及一种汽车附件即汽车遇险呼救信号器。The utility model relates to an emergency signal annunciator for calling help for vehicles, which relates to a vehicle attachment.

本系统所需控制的电路包括LED显示电路、声光报警电路及微波器控制电路。The circuits this system needed to control included LED show circuit, annunciator circuit and the circuit to control microwave machine.

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介绍一种由感知振荡器电路、耦合电路和报警电路组成的线圈匝间短路测试仪。This paper introduces a coil short circuit test set which is made of inductionoscillator generator, coupling circuit and annunciator circuit.

本测试仪是由感知振荡器电路、耦合电路和报警电路组成。This paper introduces a coil short circuit test set which is made of induction-oscillator generator, coupling circuit and annunciator circuit.

每个传感器都有两个喇叭继电器和两个群继电器,并且每个警报主频都可以驱动任何一个通用继电器。Each Annunciator can have up to two Horn relays and two Group relays and each alarm channel can be configured to drive any of these common relays.