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你是一位高空飞行员吗?Are you a high flier?

在出口处有人给我发了这张传单。Someone gave me this flier at the exit.

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设想一下,有一天你能够用飞行里程积分换杯啤酒喝。Imagine someday paying for a beer with frequent flier miles.

那些匆忙回归的夏天,冲乱了飞鸟的迁徙。The hurried returned summers hurried the migration of flier.

牠是廉价的高速飞行者且以牠的分数来看有良好的攻击加成。It is a cheap, high-speed flier with good melee attacks for the cost.

狭窄的羽毛和柔软无力的飞翔肌暗示孔子鸟并非是个高超的飞行大师。narrow feathers and weak flight muscles suggest it was not a powerful flier.

赤也看到一个海报说是有网球大减价所以就去了那家商店买。Akaya sees a flier about cheap tennis balls and goes to the store to buy them.

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在鸟类王国,鹦鹉是最会学说话的——可是飞得最糟。In the kingdom of the birds, the parrot is the best talker and the worst flier.

我还有很多问题要问您,我打算一句话问三个问题。I have a lot more questions to ask you, so I'm going to give you 3 in 1 rapid flier.

另外,免费往返票通不会赢取里程数。Additionally, free roundtrip tickets are usually exempt from earning frequent flier miles.

好消息是你们已经累积了足够的飞行里数得到一张免费机票去阿富汗。The good news is, you've earned enough frequent flier miles for a free ticket to Afghanistan.

雪橇上也印着美丽的名字,玫瑰板、梅格诺莉雅、雪皇、飞翔者等等。The sleds had a wonderful names painted on them too, Rose board, Megnolya, Snow King, The Flier.

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那只是盒子。掩饰一下,外表看起来是只快活的紫袜袜。骨子可是个有勇有谋的家伙。That is just the box. It's apparent camouflage, outside a happy purple sock, inside the guts of flier.

比如,保守党的青年团就撤掉了印着“宁死不屈”的广告传单。The Youth League of the Conservative Party, for example, withdrew its “Better Dead Than Red” election flier.

金斯伯格在1999年加入西北的“环宇里程优惠计划”常旅客计划,并在2005年达到白金精英的地位。Ginsberg joined Northwest's WorldPerks frequent flier program in 1999 and reached Platinum Elite status in 2005.

绵阳中心医院的外面一张寻人启事上,一位黄姓母亲,黑白照片。One flier outside the Mianyang Central Hospital of a family surnamed Huang has black-and-white photos of a mother.

北京东方快船进出口有限公司是一家集进出口、中国国内销售为一体的综合性商贸公司。Beijing Top Flier Import&Export Co. , Ltd. is a set of import and export, China's domestic sales of integrated trading company.

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在他的启事旁边有另一张传单,做出相同的寻人请求,逐字逐句、连打印字体都一模一样。Right beside his appeal was another flier with the same request, word-for-word identical in every way, right down to the typeface.

上月葛兰素分发了推动4年拉米夫定方案的小册子,在太平洋岛屿的背景上加上了对自己有利的统计数字。A Glaxo flier last month promoted a four-year regimen of lamivudine, with favorable statistics superimposed on a Pacific island scene.

哩程跑步者“寻找最长的飞行和最大多数的对比赛希望的连接航空公司的时常飞行员酬宾奖励计划。Mileage runners " seek out the longest flights and the most connections hoping to game the airlines' frequent flier rewards programs."