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不仅仅是相册。Not just album.

留声机唱片。A phonograph album.

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这是家庭像册。This is a family album.

这是我的集邮簿。This is my stamp album.

他的新专集很畅销。His new album sells well.

新专集已经在筹备中了。The new album is on the way.

你要不要去看看他的歌集唱片?Will you look over his album?

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你们究竟听过我的专辑没?Have you listened to my album?

她珍爱她的像册。She treasures her photo album.

她珍爱她的相册。She treasures her photo album.

那是我的另一本邮册。That is another album of mine.

从这张专辑的白蝴蝶。From the album White Butterfly.

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25岁,我录制了自己的第一张个人专辑。At 25, I recorded my first album.

他的新专集去年出版了。His new album came out last year.

能告诉我专辑名称吗?May I know the name of the album?

欢迎观赏我的旅游相簿。Welcome to my travel photo album.

林肯公园新专辑很蹩脚?Does Linkin Park's new album suck?

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这张邮票给邮册增色不少。This stamp has added to the album.

它就像是你未来的相册。It is like your future photo album.

孙燕姿的首张专辑一炮打响。Sun's debut album was a runaway hit.