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语调是埋怨责怪的那种。The tone was bitter and accusatory.

不要对劳拉生气或指责。Don't be angry or accusatory with Laura.

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但是苔丝读到这些字,却感到有一种遭到指控的恐惧。But the words entered Tess with accusatory horror.

我们能在很多控诉性的电视节目看到也能在许多书籍和文章里读到这个。We could see many accusatory TV programms and read dozens of books and articles about it.

当说话人兴奋、或愤怒、或是指责时,语言又会是怎么样的呢?How does the language sound when the speaker is excited, or angry, or asking an accusatory question?

此外,常常可以看出他们张大的眼睛怀有指责情绪,致使成年观众将他们视为具有攻击性的人。In addition, their wide eyes, often seen to hold accusatory looks, provokes adult audiences to view them as the aggressors.

它是一位难缠的陪伴,容易说出指责的话、带来阴暗的心情,它会改变你,让你更强硬也更脆弱。It's a difficult companion, prone to accusatory comments and dark moods, and it changes you, leaving you both tougher and more tender.

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起诉裁量权的客观必然性和法理合理性以及可能被滥用的倾向性,使得对检察机关公诉权的制约成为必要。The inevitability and jurisprudential ration of the accusatory discretion and the inclination to be abused make it necessary to control it.

作为一个优雅的人物,西佐的人缘很好,不过他和黑日组织的关系却只是私下的传闻,而且他也从来没有因此受到谴责。An elegant being, Xizor was highly public, but his associations with Black Sun were only whispered, and never ever spoken in accusatory tones.

不需大事张扬,让你的雇主了解到你在当前职位上取得的成绩。Without sounding accusatory or argumentative, let your employer know about the successes you’ve had since you’ve been at your current position.

克劳蒂亚,之前信件中对你的指责,我深感抱歉,尤其是你对这次的活动是那麽的努力,致力于活动的成功。Claudia, my apologies if my previous email came across as accusatory towards you especially as it is obvious that you are working hard to make the event a success.

想想吧,在你的关系中还有哪种,除非你是那种会卷入全食超市麦片过道里的控诉尖叫比赛中的夫妇——会如此时全部条目和状况都赤裸示人?When else in your relationship -- unless you're the type of couple to engage in accusatory screaming matches in the cereal aisle of Whole Foods -- will its terms and conditions be laid so bare?