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聪明人总会告诉你答案。A wise man will not proselytize you.

不要变节你的工作或观念。Do not proselytize your work or ideas.

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他走过来欢迎我,并介绍起天体主义的诸般好处。He came over to welcome me and proselytize for the benefits of nudism.

我并没有要转变你的观念,使你改变信仰,或者进行反对某种宗教的宣传。I am not trying to convert you, to proselytize you or to do propaganda against any particular religion.

这有助于阻碍其成员放弃信仰并继续去劝诱外人改变信仰。This helps to discourage members from abandoning the religion while still enabling them to proselytize.

岁以下人士的信仰是违法的,但对年轻人而言,却不在此限。While it's illegal for adults to proselytize anyone under 18, young people do not have this same restriction.

我求助于德克萨斯州的一家小出版商,他们让我们随意写。I went to a small publisher in Texas who let us do what we wanted to do. I didn’t want to proselytize and preach.

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你试图让对方信仰,或者在堕胎的敏感问题上说服对方,那你以后想要观点也不行了。If you try to proselytize someone, or battle them over a hot topic like abortion, you may reach a point of no return.

如果你试图让对方改变信仰,或者在一些堕胎这样的敏感问题上说服对方,那你以后想要改变观点也不行了。If you try to proselytize someone, or battle them over a hot topic like abortion, you may reach a point of no return.

从那一天之后,那个从前还不愿在舆论上露面,而且不热衷于传道的团体,开始劝导其他人入教了。From that day forward, the Seekers, previously shy of the press and indifferent toward evangelizing, began to proselytize.

父母有权无需传教有人要开别人的宗教来送孩子上学。Parents are entitled to send their children to school without having to proselytize somebody having somebody else's religion.

目前还不清楚他们是否意在倡导毒品还是纯粹只是将其作为一个暂时话题。Yet it is not clear whether their songs are meant to proselytize in behalf of drugs or simply to deal with them as a subject of the moment.

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向非洲提供物资援助仍然是当前主要的援助方式之一,有数百万捐助来自政府、名星等。Giving alms to Africa remains one of the biggest ideas of our time -- millions march for it, governments are judged by it, celebrities proselytize the need for it.

利比亚领导人还要求意大利政府安排一个活动,使他能够为1000名意大利女人举行伊斯兰入教仪式。The Libyan leader also demanded that the Italian government arrange an event at which he could proselytize the virtues of Islam to a group of 1, 000 Italian women.

美国的法律规定信仰基础的倡议世界各地的基督教传教士人口基金组织的纳税人改变信仰基督教的土著用来。The USA's Faith Based Initiative law provides Christian missionary organizations with taxpayer funds that are used to proselytize Christianity to indigenous populations throughout the world.

保罗和约翰都估计到撒旦下一步的活动,也就是撒旦要让这个世界都充满了敌耶稣基督的势力,叫传道人处处为难。Paulo and John all estimates the Satan next step activity, also was the Satan must let this world all fill the enemy Jesus Christ's influence, called to proselytize the human to be everywhere awkward.

我知道对你们中的另一些人来说这门课会有困难,不过我想要你们放心,这门课上没有人想要破灭和诋毁宗教信仰,同样也没人想要劝诱他人信教。For some of you it may be difficult I know that and I want you to rest assured that no one in this course wishes to undermine or malign religious faith any more than they wish to promote or proselytize for religious faith.