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猪尾汤。Pig tail soup.

猫咪有条长尾巴。A cat has a long tail.

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神龙摆尾。Dragon whips his tail.

它还会摇尾巴。It also wags its tail.

它会摇尾巴。It can shake its tail.

狗的尾巴摇动着。The dog's tail wagged.

狗一高兴就摇尾巴。The dog's tail wagged.

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还有一条鲜红色的尾巴。and a bright red tail.

狗摇尾巴欢迎我。A dog wiggles his tail.

那狗摇摆尾巴。The dog wagged his tail.

狗尾巴的摇晃。The dog wagged its tail.

猴子有条长尾巴。A monkey has a long tail.

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她毛绒绒的大尾巴摇摇。Her big furry tail shook.

他的狗摇摆着尾巴。His dog waggled its tail.

母牛飕地甩动它的尾巴。The cow swished her tail.

鸟来回摆动尾巴。The bird flirted its tail.

母牛飕地甩动它的尾巴。The cow switched its tail.

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狐狸的尾巴着火了。The fox's tail is on fire.

什么是长尾文化呢?What is long tail culture?

狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。A fox cannot hide its tail.