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谁有祸患?Who has woe?

而小左有。Lefty has it.

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她没有奶奶。She has none.

她喂养着一只猫。She has a cat.

中国二者皆有。China has both.

奥尔马有一根球棒。Omar has a bat.

他没什么羞耻心。He has no shame.

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它有一个加热器。It has a heater.

她醒过来了。She has come to.

汽车有灯。A car has lights.

车开啦?Has the bus left?

他满头白发。He has grey hair.

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他留着长头发。He has long hair.

他有我的号码。He has my number.

他一个钱也没有。He has n't a sou.

他没有机会上场。He has no chance.

他有两个姑姑。He has two aunts.

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铁器有一股怪味。Iron has a taste.

它有指针数据了。It has a pointee.

它一点未来性都没有。It has no future.