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一个移动性人口需要的就是能够租得起的房子。A mobile population needs rentable homes.

目前,帝国大厦内绝大部分为出租的写字间。At present, ESB is mostly filled with rentable space for businesses.

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房子是大面积四房,办公装修,可出租给办公室,价格超低。The house is a large four-bedroom, office decoration, rentable to the office, the price low.

商务中心提供的可租用场所,与一般跨国公司的办公室没有太大的区别。The rentable office provided by business centers is slightly different from that of normal multinationals.

该设计的目标是建立一个最小空间的新货运中心,以保持一个最大的可租赁的外部区域。The objective was to establish a new Cargo Center on minimal space in order to keep the rentable outside area at a maximum.

其设计关键为,不论在室内外空间上还是在建筑立面处理上,均需避免单调乏味之感。The key of rentable pavilion design was to avoid tedium no matter in the indoor and outdoor spaces or on the building surfaces.

这座休闲小屋位于罗盘峡湾高处的私人森林,提供度假、林业和租赁方面的住宿。A small retreat style bach, providing holiday, forestry and rentable accommodation in a private forest high above the Pelorus Sounds.

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在马萨瓦有几家经营潜水的商店,有全套潜水装备出租,还有船只可载你前往达拉克群岛,周围有200多个岛屿和十几个沉船遗址。There are a few dive shops in Massawa with rentable gear and boats to take you to the Dahlak Archipelago, which includes more than 200 islands and dozens of wrecks.

第二次扩建完成后,会展中心的可租用总面积达91,500平方米,而展览厅面积为66,000平方米。Upon completion of the second expansion in April 2009, the HKCEC provides total rentable space of 91,500 sqm, and total purpose-built exhibition hall space of 66,000 sqm.

出租方将负责维修“物业”的结构、房顶、进出物业的排水、上、下水管道、电路以保证其在整个协议期内处于良好的适租状态。The Lessor agrees to maintain the structure, roof, drains, pipes and cables leading into or from the Property in good and rentable conditions at all times during the term of this Lease Agreement.