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PCOS以雄激素过多与持续不排卵为主要特征。PCOS mainly characterizes androgen excess along with chronic anovulatory.

目的探讨治疗无排卵型功血的简单、有效的方法。Objective To explore a convenient and effective treatment method for anovulatory functional bleeding.

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根据其症状,无排卵性功血类属于中医“崩漏”范畴。According to the symptoms, Anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding belongs to metrorrhagia and metrostaxis in TCM.

超过35岁的AGC妇女以及更年轻的AGC妇女合并不能解释的或无排卵性功血需要内膜活检。Women over age 35 and younger women with AGC and unexplained or anovulatory bleeding also need an endometrial biopsy.

俞募通经针法是孙远征教授多年临床实践总结,用于治疗青春期无排卵性功血。Shu mu-needle acupuncture applied by Professor Sun is an effective therapy for adolescent anovulatory functional bleeding.

服药后无排卵的妇女尿中雌激素周期变化的特点是雌激素在后半周期有较大幅度的升高。In the urine of pill-taking anovulatory women the features were the considerable rise of oestrogen at the rear half cycles.

中医药治疗排卵障碍性不孕症疗效确切,无明显不良反应。Traditional Chinese medicine have an accurate effect on treating anovulatory infertility, and there have no obvious adverse reactions.

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对超重、无排卵的多囊卵巢综合征患者而言,调整生活方式无疑是改善生殖机能的重要因素。Lifestyle modification is clearly a key component for the improvement of reproductive function for overweight, anovulatory women with PCOS.

中医学无相同病名记载,但根据其临床症状,可类属于崩漏范畴。There is no record of anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding in TCM, but it belongs to metrorrhagia and metrostaxis according to its symptoms.

目的研究调经孕育方药对排卵障碍性不孕者子宫内膜感受态早孕相关因子方面表现的影响。Objective To study the effect of Tiaojing Yunyu Decoction on the expression of early pregnancy cytokines about competence of endometrium in anovulatory infertility.

这一结果提示,蛤蚧可能会改善无排卵性功血和无排卵性不孕症等患者卵巢的排卵功能。This result discloses that Gekko gecko may improve ovulatory function of patients with anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding, anovulatory infertility, and so on.

无排卵周期与正常排卵周期相比,FSH浓度在卵泡早期显著降低,孕酮的分泌始终维持在较低的水平。During early follicular phase, FSH excretion was significantly less in the anovulatory cycles than ovulatory cycles, and progesterone always remained at very low level for the whole cycle.

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无排卵性月经周期、肥胖、分泌雌激素的卵巢肿瘤、未育、外源性雌激素治疗,都能增加子宫内膜腺癌发生的危险。Anovulatory cycles, obesity, estrogen-producing ovarian tumors, low parity or nulliparity, and exogenous estrogen therapy can all increase the risk for endometrial adenocarcinoma in this manner.