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他险些就被公汽撞倒了。He was narrowly hit by the bus.

首轮比赛她涉险过关。She narrowly won the first race.

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我感到他的眼睛在紧紧地盯着我。I felt his eyes narrowly upon me.

一粒子弹险些击中他的心脏。A bullet narrowly missed his heart.

他险些在飞机失事中遇难。He narrowly escaped in the air crash.

那小孩子差点就被宠坏了。The child narrowly escaped being spoiled.

他差点儿被汽车压死。He narrowly missed being run over by a car.

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康有为和梁启超侥幸逃脱。Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao narrowly escaped.

病原菌寄主范围较狭窄。The host range of pathogen was narrowly limited.

她叙述了她九死一生的经历。She described how she had narrowly escaped death.

一些根源于动画片的玩具开发范围较狭窄。Some animation-based toy lines are narrowly focused.

她以亲共和党的身份参选,以微弱差距落选。She ran as a pro-choice Republican and lost narrowly.

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他侥幸躲过了被扔进巴哈马监狱。He'd narrowly escaped being thrown into a Bahamian jail.

杰克从后窗仓促逃走,勉强地逃过了特工们的追捕。Jack flees out a back window, narrowly escaping the agents.

一块石头从山上滚下,险些把车砸坏。A boulder rolled down the slope and narrowly missed the car.

单以一名政客的身份去评价,他确实获得了巨大的成功。Judged narrowly as a politician, he has been a great success.

一辆汽车开得太快,险些儿撞上另一辆汽车。One car went too fast and narrowly missed hitting another car.

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足球忽然从头顶飞掠而过,差点砸到他。A football suddenly flew over his head and narrowly missed him.

她从房间那端扔过来一只烟灰缸,差点击中我的头。She threw an ashtray across the room, narrowly missing my head.

这人挥拳朝男孩打去,但差一点,没打中。The man hit at the boy with his fist, but it narrowly missed him.