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为什麽工作狂会伤害到公司?Q. How can workaholism harm a company?

科技会使工作狂更糟吗?Q. Is technology making workaholism worse?

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工作狂真的是一种疾病,就像酒精中毒?Q. Is workaholism really a disease, like alcoholism ?

工作迷可能是唯一一种受社会赦免的疾病。Workaholism may be the only socially condoned disease.

不过,工作狂常常会与工作过度相混淆。However, workaholism is often confused with being over-worked.

在美国,已经有大量关于工作迷的书。Numerous books have been written about workaholism in America.

工作狂与工作十分卖力差别何在?Q. What's the difference between workaholism and working very hard?

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某些类型的人比其他人更容易变成工作狂?Q. Are certain types of people more prone to workaholism than others?

其实工作狂会伤害到公司以及员工。In fact, she said, workaholism can harm the company as well as the worker.

工作成瘾是一种和毒品、香烟、酒精同样厉害的上瘾。Workaholism is as much an addiction as those to drugs, tobacco or alcohol.

迷恋工作可能危害人的生命,但确也有好处。Workaholism may take its toll on a person's life, but it does have advantages.

研究表明,工作狂往往使我们与家人的关系疏远。Research show that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families.

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一旦犯了工作狂的毛病,其发展过程类似于吸毒。Once workaholism sets in, it progresses through stages like those in taking drugs.

根据某些心理咨询顾问的观点,迷恋工作对我们来说既是好事,又是坏事。According to some psychology counselors, workaholism can be both good and bad for us.

有一个很残酷的讽刺就是,工作狂通常都不会是工作最有效率的员工。The cruel irony of workaholism is that workaholics don't tend to be very effective employees.

有一个很残酷的讽刺就是,工作狂通常都不会是工作最有效率的员工。Thee cruel irony of workaholism is that workaholics don't tend to be very effective employees.

我们失望于没有想法,因为我们是社会的工作狂,工作狂就像想法的超人。We desperately lack perspective because we are a society of workaholics, and workaholism is like kryptonite to perspective.

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有些时候,你会灵感大发,能夜以继日地忘情创作——而这种情况并非真正意义上的“工作狂”。Now, there are times when you might be inspired and will go on for hours and hours with your creation, that’s not really workaholism.

我们的文化崇尚工作至上,我们经常听说某些人在办公室挑灯夜战,或是从不去度假。Our culture celebrates workaholism. We hear stories of people who “burn the mid-night oil” at the office, or about individuals who never take vacations.

其次,本研究提出了工作沉迷与周边绩效关系的假设模型,并通过实证研究验证了该模型中各个维度间的关系,最终部分假设得到证实。On the second part of this paper, an assumed model of the relationship between workaholism and contextual performance was testified. Some parts of this model were confirmed through empirical research.