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他的手指上扎了根刺。He ran a splinter into his finger.

桑蓝成海,是一个很大的变化。Could splinter a whole sea of blue.

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一块弹片嵌进墙壁里。A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall.

医生把木刺从她手指中拔出。The doctor dug the splinter out of her finger.

此次,重压之下的欧洲并未出现四分五裂的局面。Under stress, this time, Europe did not splinter.

甲下裂片性出血是存在于指甲下的出血。Splinter hemorrhages may be present under the nails.

该党已分裂成几个派别。The party has broken up into several splinter groups.

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跳跃而行的狐猴在一片石尖上休息。The leaping lemur comes to rest on a splinter of stone.

我在搬箱子的时候手指头上扎了一根刺。I got a splinter in my finger while I was moving the boxes.

扎进去的刺终于从皮肤下冒了出来。The splinter finally worked itself out from under the skin.

史密斯死后,还出现了许多更小的分裂教派。Many smaller splinter groups also arose after Smith's death.

纵然你是从炫丽的彩虹一端滑下来,也还是有被擦破误伤的可能的。Sometimes you can get a splinter even sliding down a rainbow.

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那个小小的闪着亮光的小房子就会裂开、压碎、消失。The little lighted house would open and splinter and disappear.

似往日贞纯水晶的碎片,印记在男孩凄冷的心里。Like once a splinter of pure crystal, had left the boys heart cooled.

如果我们试图以武力推翻卡扎菲,我们的联盟便会分裂。If we tried to overthrow Qaddafi by force, our coalition would splinter.

他们就像一颗游历的分裂细胞,更小,更锋利,更隐蔽。Like a sliver of glass, a Splinter Cell is small, sharp , and nearly invisible.

我做的第一个凳子摇摇晃晃,感觉轻轻一扭就会被弄成碎片。My first try was pretty wobbly, and felt like a little twist would splinter it.

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当它踩在一堆刨花里时,一块长长的黑檀木的木片扎到了它的脚里。As he stepped into a pile of shavings, a long blackwood splinter pierced his foot.

“若果我们想要用武力去推翻卡扎菲的统治,”他说,“我们本身的联合将分崩离析。”“If we tried to overthrow Qaddafi by force,” he said, “our coalition would splinter.

生活并不总是公平的。有时你即使从彩虹上滑下来,也可能被一根刺扎到。Life's not always fair. Sometimes you can get a splinter even sliding down a rainbow.