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企业社会责任的内涵是什么?。What is the intension of CSR?

我的打算是邀请我所有的朋友来参加晚会。My intension is to invite all my friends to the party.

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中庸是儒家思想中的一个重要内容。The mean is an important intension of the Confucian school.

要考试的压力带来了很大的紧张。The pressure of having to take a test causes a lot intension.

转喻的提出和内涵的界定。II. metonymy's proposition and the definition of its intension.

这次事件使委内瑞拉和哥伦比亚之间原本紧张的关系火上浇油。The killings have fueled growing intension between Venezuela and Columbia.

隐秀的内涵与中国古代哲学也有着内在相通之处。Its intension is also be tied with Chinese ancient philosophy and aesthetics.

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本文第一章阐明了建筑细部的概念及其内涵和外延。In chapter one, the concept, intension and extension of the details are put out.

后世儒家怨而不怒、温柔软厚的诗教中就有荀子学说的影子。Doctrine of the Confucianists of Later ages included sign of intension of Xun-zi.

海岩的小说极具故事性,其中真正动人的是故事的情爱内涵。Hai Yan's novels have an interesting plot and their love intension is most touching.

第二部分明确吕坤的道的具体内涵,重点介绍吕坤的“道脉”说。The second part explicit the concrete the intension of Dao and his theory of DaoMai.

本文首先分析了马克思主义中国化的内涵及其必要性。This thesis first analyses the intension and necessity of the sinicization of Marxism.

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一个复杂表达的内涵是其组成部分内涵的一个函项。The intension of a complex expression is a function of the intension of its components.

但儒、墨两家的和谐思想内涵和实质是不相同的。But the intension and quiddity of their harmonic thoughts are different from each other.

飞马的内涵是要打破目前的形象和轮椅的外观。The intension of Pegasus is to break with the image and appearance of current wheelchairs.

追求时尚的,品味的,有内涵的高品质生活是世界潮流。Pursue the fashion, sample , the high-quality life of having intension is the world trends.

第一部分为商业性补充医疗保险的内涵研究。First part study for the intension that the commerciality supplements the medical insurance.

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第一部分阐述了“以人为本”领导方式的内涵和理论渊源。The first part has explained the intension and theory origin of human-oriented leadership-way.

语境作为一种“言说”的知识背景制约着“所说”的内涵与外延。Linguistic context restrains intension and epitaxy of saying " as the backgrounds of "speaking".

国亡之后,词人群体特征的内涵发生了质变。After the perishing of the Song Dynasty, the intension of group feature had a qualitative change.