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白华看到的只有平庸。Hua sees only mediocrity.

这家公司淘汰庸才。The company abhors mediocrity.

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自己注定平庸一生吗?Are you destined for mediocrity?

你最后会成为富有的庸才。You'll wind up a rich mediocrity.

平庸者并非缺少努力。Mediocrity is not a lack of effort.

等到那个时候,你将会变得平庸。Until that happens, you will wallow in mediocrity.

嫉妒是平庸之辈向成就卓越者的赞颂。Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to achievers.

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老诗人抨击了现代文体的平庸无奇。The old poet decried the mediocrity of today's writing.

它们常常使一个平庸之辈迈向成功。They have often raise a man from mediocrity to success.

等他完全俘虏你的心时,他的平庸就显山露水了。Until he fully when he captured your mediocrity would be.

半心半意的尝试最终会变平庸。Half-hearted attempts will ultimately show up as mediocrity.

平庸无才和内心挫折才是默守陈规真正的代价。Mediocrity and inner frustration are the true price of conforming.

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在保守公司里,文化可能演变成了中庸之道盛行。In a conservative company, cultures may evolve that accept mediocrity.

因为这是在反对创意匮乏的战役中重要的第二战线。It is the vital second front in the battle against creative mediocrity.

这就是为何老练的平庸几乎每每胜过才华。That's why experienced mediocrity almost always trumps talent every time.

但据我的观察更主要的趋势是任何组织都走向平庸。But the larger trend I observed drives any organization toward mediocrity.

成功者多是情感的主人,平庸者都是情感的奴隶!Success is more emotional master, mediocrity is the slave of the passions!

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何畅,你不要满足于较好成绩,因为你本来可以非常优秀。Helen, do not be satisfied with mediocrity when you can reach for excellence.

过于严肃是平庸和官僚式思维的警告信号。Over-seriousness is a warning sign for mediocrity and bureau-cratic thinking.

我自以为算得上是个中流的写手,尽管如此,我也绝非天生就到了这个水平。I think of myself as a mediocre writer. I do not come by my mediocrity naturally.