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我们今天开始收割。Today we began harvesting.

秋天是收获的季节。Autumn is a harvesting season.

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农民在红色的土壤收割庄稼。Farmers harvesting crops in red soil.

集雨是唯一的解决方案。"Rainwater harvesting is the only solution".

他们打算下周开镰收割。They are going to start harvesting next week.

农民们正在田野里收割稻子。The peasants are harvesting rice in the field.

当我遇到她时,她正在田里丰收百里香。When I met her she was in the fields harvesting thyme.

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丰收的季节,田野一片耀目。In the harvesting season, the crop fields are shinning.

推进获取元数据的标准趋同化。Promote convergence of standards for harvesting metadata.

有放射性物质落下时不要进行采收。refrain from harvesting after radioactive material fallout.

以上大多是在共同收获的时候思考的结果。The above is mostly reflecting on the collective harvesting.

我们谈的是所谓细菜的收成和销售。You know, what we're talking is boutique harvesting and sales.

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这给静脉带来的创伤肯定比‘剥皮抽筋’术更大。It's certainly more traumatic to the vein than open harvesting.

因此,收获节是第一个三个的收获庆典。Therefore, Lammas is the first of three harvesting celebrations.

收玉米的重担都压在张荣威的父亲身上。The burden of harvesting the family's corn fell to Zhang's parents.

种植青贮玉米最适宜收获时期是在玉米籽粒乳熟期。The most suitable harvesting period was milk stage as silage maize.

此外,我们还将参观小型的油棕榈树林场,亲眼看看享有“世界油王”美称的油棕。Also visit to the small holding oil palm estate to see the harvesting.

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不知不觉的,我又在地上捡酒杯蘑菇了。And the next thing I know, I am on the ground harvesting chanterelles.

收获烟叶后,一个孩子的手上沾满了烟草残渣。A child's hands are covered in tobacco residue after harvesting leaves.

放在平常季节,收割大豆后他就会开始种植稻米。During a normal season, he would plant rice after harvesting the beans.