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当然,它是可生饮的。Sure it's drinkable.

房间里的自来水可生饮吗?Is the tap water in our room drinkable?

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再经过一些年的醇化,这酒变得非常易饮。A few years mellowing, this wine becomes eminently drinkable.

白沙井井水清澈见底,可以饮用。The water of Baisha Ancient Well is very clear, and can be drinkable.

实际上,它甚至干净到可以很容易地被制成饮用水。In fact, it's cleaner even than that and could easily be made drinkable.

研究结果可能会产生可行的方法把盐度很低的海冰变成饮用水。Their findings may enable them to turn desalinated ice into drinkable water.

中国人最关心的是我们还有没有可饮用的水源?What Chinese people care most about is whether or not we have drinkable water.

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在发达国家,饮用水不但取之不尽,更被视为一种权利。In developed countries, drinkable water in not only abundant, it’s considered a right.

法国的达能在美国销售可以喝的酸奶,已经有6年多时间了。France's Groupe Danone SA has sold drinkable yogurt in the U.S. for more than six years.

客房备有电水壶,请勿直接饮用自来水。Hotel provides you with an electrical boiler in the room. The tap water is not drinkable.

即使在测试时故意灌入下水道的污水,产生的水也是干净的饮用水。Even in test runs where sewage water was used, the resultant water was clean and drinkable.

对饮用水更该如此,因为那只占到水资源很小的一部分。This is especially true of drinkable water, which is only a small part of the water supply.

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这个装置能先把盐水蒸干,再让水蒸气冷凝成可饮用的水。The device was able to desiccate the salty water and to condense the moisture into drinkable water.

此款酒的主要成分是梅乐。可以在年轻时使用,也可以存放5年后饮用。This wine, with its dominant merlot qualities is drinkable now but can be cellared for up to 5 years.

我可以证明,泰国、越南和巴厘岛也能生产甘冽的美酒。I can attest that perfectly drinkable wine is now made in Thailand, Vietnam and on the island of Bali.

在东京,我们仍然有成年人可以饮用的自来水,英语口语。"In Tokyo, we still have tap water that's drinkable for adults, so we should use it, " Mr Sanada said.

是雪碧、食用色素和一种可饮用化学成分的混合物——这就是冒气的原因。It's a mix of sprite, food colouring and a drinkable chemical ingredient – that's what makes the fumes.

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在洪水退去之后,迦洛德带了一队暗夜精灵去找饮用水。At last the waters subsided, and Jarod led a group of night elves to scout the area for drinkable water.

近日,一支潜水队宣布他们在芬兰近海一艘沉船上发现了世界上最古老的可饮用啤酒。A team of divers say they found the world's oldest drinkable beer in a shipwreck off the coast of Finland.

一款非常适饮的美酒,可配开胃食品、意大利面、汤、炖肉、烤吞拿鱼、鸭、小牛肉、羊肉和猪肉等。A highly drinkable wine, with savory pasta dishes, soups and stews, grilled tuna, duck, veal, lamb and pork.