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两个世界判然不同。The two worlds are markedly different.

右肺明显萎陷。The right lung is markedly atelectatic.

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多样性在增加——某些具体例子中这种情况很明显。Diversity is on the rise – markedly so in some instances.

CD95在T细胞上的表达也显著增加。CD95 expression was also increased markedly in T lymphocytes.

循证护理指导临床实践明显改善了护理服务质量。EBN has markedly promoted the improvement of nursing quality.

有显著的促细胞增殖作用。A markedly effect of ProTa on cell proliferation was observed.

ICANN的社群活动在2009年显着增加。As might be expected, the ICANN community grew markedly in 2009.

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这加重了农村地区男女比例失调的问题。In rural areas that will exacerbate the sex ratio very markedly.

川芎嗪可逆转上述指标的异常变化。LGT reversed the results of mentioned indices as above markedly.

施锌可提高小麦蛋白质和淀粉含量。Zn markedly increases protein and starch content in wheat grain.

患者心绞痛发作相关情况均有显著改善。The angina pectoris outbreak of the patients was improved markedly.

自他2003年就职以来,绝对贫困已经显著下降。Since he took office in 2003, absolute poverty has dropped markedly.

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动脉壁明显增厚,管腔狭窄。The arteriolar wall is markedly thickened and the lumen is narrowed.

施磷明显降低了小麦植株含锌量。The application of P markedly decreases the content of Zn in wheat plant.

现在,由于卡尔扎伊竞选连任,形势显著改变。Now, as Mr. Karzai runs for re-election, the picture has changed markedly.

晶界的这种可逆反应十分明显。The reversible reaction appeared on grain boundary surface quite markedly.

碳纤维板可以有效的改善梁底裂缝的分布形态。The configuration of crack in the beam's bottom could be markedly improved.

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IMA移植后舒张期血流明显增加。The diastolic blood flow of grafted IMA markedly increased postoperatively.

类RISC的流水线显著加快了指令的执行速度。RISC-like pipeline markedly improves the execution speed of the instructions.

结论绞股蓝总苷能非常明显地增强非特异性免疫功能。Conclusion Gypenosides can markedly increase the non-specific immune function.