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芬兰现在是自己的国家。Finland är ett eget land nu.

在芬兰,要坚持桑拿浴。Stick to the sauna in Finland.

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它伸出到芬兰湾中。It juts into the Gulf of Finland.

诺基亚公司的总部在芬兰。Nokias headquarters is in Finland.

瑞典与挪威、芬兰接壤。Sweden borders Norway and Finland.

该片在意大利、芬兰和爱尔兰被禁演。Banned in Italy, Finland and Ireland

他奉令调离芬兰。He is under order to leave from Finland.

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芬兰是一个设计的社会,且正如此呈现。Finland is a design society-and it shows.

上线的乐迷有远自芬兰和日本。Fans logon as far away as Finland and Japan.

芬兰人的期望数目最高,平均为51人。Finland came highest, with an average of 51.

芬兰赫尔辛基站内之特快车。An express train in Helsinki Station, Finland.

IVAO分部欢迎你来到北极圈!IVAO Finland welcomes you to the Arctic Circle!

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在科学方面,芬兰落后于上海屈居第二。In science, Finland was second behind Shanghai.

离开是因为我想要回到芬兰。I left because I felt like returning to Finland.

本体是一个旋律死亡金属乐队由芬兰。Noumena is a melodic death metal band from Finland.

芬兰长期以来一贯支持联合国人居署。Finland has been a long-term supporter of UN-Habitat.

所以世界桑拿锦标赛把比赛场地设在了芬兰。So world sauna tounament sets match field in Finland.

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我过去住在芬兰,我未婚妻是芬兰人。I used to live in Finland and my fiancee is from Finland,

芬兰和挪威境内外的航班都受到了影响。Flights in and out of Finland and Norway are also affected

摩尔多瓦芬兰2-0击败10人在他们的首场比赛。Moldova defeated 10 man Finland 2-0 in their opening game.