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利用系统的真菌种类,以确定不同的蘑菇。Use systematic mycology to identify different mushroom species.

是真菌学领域研究专家。Dr Toni Atkinson is a research scientist specializing in mycology.

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皮损组织真菌培养与病理检查均确证为隐球菌感染。Cryptococcal infection was confirmed by mycology culture and histopathology examination.

有一节课专门讲述真菌学,就是去研究真菌。One segment of the course was dedicated solely to mycology , which is the study of fungi.

白念珠菌的菌丝相细胞是进行其病原真菌学研究的适宜研究对象。Hyphal form of Candida albicans was thought to be the appropriate object of medical mycology.

本文简要地讨论了菌物学发展的前景,特别是在中国的前景。The present paper deals briefly with the prospect of development of mycology especially in China.

医学真菌学有助于插图,因此有超过在这版里的40幅附加图像。Medical Mycology lends itself to illustration and as such there are over 40 additional images in this edition.

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临床的真菌学在传染病的领域内,医学真菌学已经在过去十年经历显著的发展。Within the field of infectious diseases, medical mycology has experienced significant growth over the last decade.

随着医学科学的发展,医学真菌学受到了全世界的广泛重视。With the rapid development of medicine science, medical mycology has drawn great attention from all over the world.

对临床医生普及医学真菌学知识是控制院内真菌感染的重要因素。In order to control nosocomial fungal infection, it is important to continue the education of mycology in physicians.

而真菌分类学则吸收超微结构特征,遗传学和分子生物学的论据组成综合的分枝学科。And taxonomy adapts the evidences of ultrastructure, genetics and molecular biology to form a comprehensive branch of mycology.

在医学真菌学里,这种培养基十分常用,因为通常情况下,这些抗生素并不抑制人类致病真菌的生长。This medium is used frequently in medical mycology because the antibiotics usually do not inhibit the growth of human fungal pathogens.

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专题讨论会非常成功,文件致力于媒介和在食品真菌学方面的方法发展,象这些工场一样。The workshop was highly successful, with papers devoted to media and methods development in food mycology , as is usual with these workshops.

通过课堂教学、实验,要求学生掌握医学微生物学基本理论、基本知识及基本技能。This class introduces the bacteriology, virology and mycology . It asks the students to master the basic theory, knowledge and skill of the medical microbiology.

康奈尔大学所收藏的菌类标本来自于该校一名真菌学专业毕业的中国留学生S。Cornell's fungi collection, which includes many species that were the first of their kind to be collected and identified, came from Chinese mycology graduate student S.

医学真菌的实验室常规鉴定方法尽管有了很大发展,但仍存在耗时长、敏感性低的问题。Although there has been great improvement on conventional identification methods in clinical mycology laboratory, the procedures are still time_consuming and lack sensitivity.

该杂志全面提供了海洋植物学各方面的研究进展,包括海洋微生物学以及海洋真菌学,从亚细胞到生态系统所有生物组织水平上。It well informs the research advances in all aspects of marine botany, including marine microbiology and marine mycology , at all levels of biological organization from subcellular to ecosystem.

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他在真菌的天然栖息地观察真菌,并通过培养真菌的方法来获得有关它们发育和生活史的相关知识,继而建立了现代真菌学的基础。His observations of fungi in their natural habitat and his methods of culturing them enabled him to work out their developemt and life cycles, thus laying down the foundations of modern mycology.

用不同焊接方法,对坯料焊前作不同工艺处理,焊接成形时出现焊缝开裂,对其坯料母材及开裂焊缝作显微分析。To do mycology analysis to the blank parent and its cracking weld for different procedure treatment to the blank before welding and occur weld crack during welding forming by different welding method.