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介绍了该类病的病理学及病源学的研究成果。The etiologies and pathophysiology of the interested diseases are discussed.

同时提示IL-13在乳腺癌病理生理学方面的潜在作用。It also indicates a potential role for IL-13 in the pathophysiology of breast cancer.

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该文重点对PMP22的生物学及相关疾病的病理生理学进行综述。The biology of PMP22 and the pathophysiology of its related diseases, were reviewed here.

肺泡塌陷和肺内分流增加是ARDS主要的病理生理机制。The collapse of alveoli and an increased intrapulmonary shunt are prominent pathophysiology of ARDS.

并且在这个报告中,我们讨论了这个假性动脉瘤会自发栓塞的成因及病生理机转。In this report, we discuss the causality and pathophysiology of this self-cured thrombosed pseudoaneurysm.

有症状而未破裂的动脉瘤的病理生理学表现与破裂动脉瘤相似。The pathophysiology of several symptomatic unruptured aneurysms was similar to that of ruptured aneurysms.

HO可能在妊高征患者胎盘组织损伤的病理生理中起重要作用。HO may play a role in the pathophysiology of poor placental perfusion and tissue damage in placenta of PIH.

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到目前为止,对心血管疾病的病理生理学研究与治疗的认识已经取得了实质上的进展。So far, there has been substantial progress toward understanding the pathophysiology and treatment of CVDs.

本篇讨论此病所产生之并发症,其病理生理及处理之原则。The pathophysiology and management of the complications of hydrops fetalis with chorioangioma are discussed.

因放置喉头面罩诱发支气管痉挛的致病机转与危险因子将于本文中讨论。The pathophysiology and risk factors of bronchospasm related to the LMA placement are discussed in the text.

目的分析垂体卒中的临床、影像学特点及病理生理机制。Objective To analyze the clinical and imaging characteristics as well as pathophysiology of pituitary apoplexy.

这篇文章提供了复杂的综述关于眼球内陷的病理生理,评估和治疗。This article provides a comprehensive review of the pathophysiology , evaluation, and management of enophthalmos.

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湖北省武汉市江岸区南京路26号武汉市中心医院病理科这个的英文地址如何写呢?Pathophysiology Department, Wuhan Central Hospital, No 26, Nanjing Road, Jiang'an District, Wuhan, Hubei Province.

病理生理学作为连接基础医学与临床医学的桥梁性学科,在医学教育中具有重要地位。As a bridge connecting basic medicine and clinical medicine, pathophysiology is very important in medical education.

深入认识眼表与泪膜的关系有助于眼干燥症的病理生理研究。Expanded understanding of the ocular surface and tear film interaction contributes to the pathophysiology of dry eye.

本文将就微小RNA在心血管病理生理中的作用作简要介绍。In this paper, we briefly review the recent understanding of miRNAs and their role in cardiovascular pathophysiology.

骨科手术后心肌缺血的病理生理是不同于非手术组的。The pathophysiology of ischaemia after orthopaedic surgery may be different to ischaemia in the non-surgical setting.

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目前还需要进一步的研究去发现MX2与发作性睡病在病理生理机制方面的功能联系。Further studies are required to explore the functional relationship between the MX2 gene and narcolepsy pathophysiology.

但早期应激通过何种途径对抑郁发病产生长期的影响,目前尚不清楚。The pathways that mediate the long-term effects of early-life stress on pathophysiology of depression are still unclear.

结合现代脉图、心电图学、心血管的病理生理学、血液流变学、基因学、现代临床医学等。Of Pulse-chart, Electrocardiography, Cardiovascular system pathophysiology , Gine theory, and moden Clinical medicine, etc.