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我们的历险热热闹闹的开幕了。Our adventure kicked off with a rousing start.

他走遍全楼,把大家叫醒。He went all around the building, rousing everybody.

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这奇特的海螺声令人心颤。It was a strange rousing noise, that made the heart beat.

佛瑞登的军队因你的激昂演说而振奋起来。The armies of Ferelden were inspired by a rousing speech.

在看过了令人振奋的明星广告代言后,查看一下超高速渡轮吧.After that rousing endorsement, look into Superfast Ferries.

租房市场的强势还唤醒了处于长期昏睡状态的建造业。Rental-market strength is also rousing a long-dormant building industry.

影片的高潮中,麦布赖德与村里的暴徒展开了惊心动魄的拳斗。In the film's climax, McBride has a rousing fistfight with the village bully.

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影片的高潮中,麦布赖德与村里的暴徒展开了惊心动魄的拳斗。In the film’s climax, McBride has a rousing fistfight with the village bully.

多少人不知道,原来有好多人不知道,芝加哥是谁写的How many don't know--a rousing show of hands here--don't know who wrote Chicago?

帕默走进了酒店的宴会厅,受到了他的支持者们情绪激动的喝彩。Palmer enters the hotel’s banquet room to a rousing ovation from his supporters.

肯尼迪参议员的演讲是其中最好的,非常鼓舞人心,麦戈文的演讲也不错。Senator Kennedy was a champ and gave a rousing speech. McGovern’s was good, too.

“谢谢,”曼迪说,已经开始为前几分钟唤起的孤独感哀悼了。“Thanks, ” Mandy said, already mourning the rousing solitude of a few minutes ago.

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经过周二对达拉斯激动人心的100-98胜利,现在他们有了前进的动力。Momentum is certainly with them after a rousing 100-98 victory Tuesday over Dallas.

这就是我们看到激动人心的句子的地方,“新的长老只是夸大的旧的牧师而已That's where we get this rousing line, "New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ Large."

这就是我们看到激动人心的句子的地方,“新的长老只是夸大的旧的牧师而已,“That's where we get this rousing line, "New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ Large."

非洲裔美国人保守派,凯斯以他热烈的讲话风格著称。An African-American conservative, Keyes was best known for his rousing speaking style.

星期六一大早,我听到梅布尔挨家挨户地敲门,喊醒我们往把汽车开走。Early Saturday I heard Mable knocking on doors, rousing us to move our cars off the block.

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敬拜者列席同一性别的组,混合她们的声音在鼓舞人的服务—塔希提岛人的风格圣歌。Worshipers sit in same-sex groups, blending their voices in rousing himenes—Tahitian-style hymns.

公司在俄罗斯电视台上准备播放了一支口香糖广告后,他们要求配一段活泼的曲子。Co. produced a chewing-gum commercial for Russian television, it asked for a rousing musical score.

他到全国各地,唤起工人和农民进行反压迫斗争。He went all over the country, rousing the workers and peasants for the struggle against oppression.