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掉过来了。It's the reverse.

只要把上面的过程反过来。Just reverse the process.

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反向伟力建设。Reverse welt construction.

每枚奖章都有反面/凡事有利有弊。Every medal has its reverse.

这辆车的倒车档在哪里?Where's reverse in this car?

呼气进入新月扭转式。Exhale into Reverse Half Moon.

逆功率脱扣测验。Reverse power relay trip test.

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启动反向代理服务器。Start the reverse proxy server.

学生是社会的反面体现。These students are the reverse.

这一切都应当反过来。This should all work in reverse.

猜猜看?Is this a reverse -- any guesses?

我们来按逆序讨论这几条。We'll take them in reverse order.

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外加反向电压至闸极G。Apply a reverse voltage to gate G.

布朗能咸鱼翻身吗?Can Mr Brown reverse the dynamics?

我们需要反转我们的权利。We need to reverse our priorities.

倒车报警器,脚动开关。SAFETY. Reverse alarm, foot switch.

把你的名字签在背面。Sign your name on the reverse side.

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好了,现在正在发生相反的事情.Well now it's happening in reverse.

但相反的情况同样可能发生。But then the reverse can also occur.

单靠BBC一家无法逆转这种腐败之势。The BBC can't reverse the rot alone.