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不知是否不愿意,但也没回挡。Which are still unreproved, if undesired.

这还会导致不希望的输出。This will also result in undesired output.

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但是我们需要确保这不会带来新的预料不到的结果。But we need to make sure they will not induce new and undesired processes.

这项检测还存在一个潜在的担忧,女性可能会没有怀上想要性别的胎儿而选择堕胎。One potential worry is that women might abort fetuses of an undesired sex.

到时不只打草惊蛇,也会令夫人不快。By that time not cause undesired agitation, will also the your wife isn't rapid.

有谁会不熟悉,好种籽与讨厌的莠子混在一起的麻烦呢?Who is not familiar with it, that annoying mixture of good seed and undesired weeds?

问题是,这些梦中出现的“非期望影象”究竟有何意义?But what is the significance of the emergence of undesired representations in dreams?

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氧化物、掩模或标线的不透明区域,或光刻层中不需要的小孔。A small undesired hole in an oxide opaque region of a mask or reticle or in a photoresist layer.

因此,病人又出现了其他新的症状,因为这些其他途径引起了不良反应。Hence, the patient will experience new symptoms as these other pathways elicit undesired effects.

我们的想法是用这个特性从大的列表中过滤掉想要的或者不想要的包名。The idea is to use this feature to filter out desired or undesired package names from a large list.

实验研究发现了在设计中应值得高度重视的一些热工水力现象,如“水锤现象”。Some undesired thermal hydraulic phenomena, for example, " water hammer" , which may have bad im lished.

用奖励等方法提高那时你所需要的行为频率,减少那些你不喜欢的行为。Use rewards to increase the frequency of desired behavior and decrease the frequency of undesired behavior.

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女性在收到不理想的礼物时事实上比他们收到完美的礼物时表现的更得更易于接受。Women who got an undesired gift were actually more accepting of it than if they’d received their ideal item.

好弹起阻滞剂可以阻止不受欢迎的广告和其他干扰你正常浏览窗口。A good pop-up blocker can block ads and other undesired windows without interfering with your normal browsing.

如果构件含有冗余的行为,特别是有用户不想要的功能,则用户无法使用。Components with redundant functionalities, especially with undesired functionalities, can not be used by users.

种曲除了要求孢子多、发芽率高之外,更重要的是应控制杂菌。Soy sauce koji needs not only more spores and higher germination rate, but also prevention on undesired microbes.

即使这种担心并没有什么道理,市场信心的下降可能导致通胀预期的意外上升。Even if unjustified, such a reduction in confidence might lead to an undesired increase in inflation expectations.

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最好提前面对这些薄弱之处,而不要在考试中面对它们并得到不理想的成绩。It is better to confront such weaknesses ahead of time rather than face them in the exam and get undesired results.

研究显示,大多数孩子在暑假又变重了,儿童肥胖增加,隐含着不愿看到的后果。Research shows that most children gain weight in the summer, an undesired outcome amid increased childhood obesity.

副作用是指药物产生的与用药目的无关的其它作用,包括从轻度发炎到严重健康问题等不良影响。Side effects are the undesired effects of a drug, which can range from mild irritations to serious health problems.