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它可以一下就粉碎一块巨石。It can pulverize a boulder in one strike.

在其他的时刻,我扬言要粉碎它。On other occasions I threatened to pulverize it.

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我们将以地毯式轰炸炸平三英里半宽的地区。We'll pulverize an area 3.5 miles wide with saturation bombing.

迫击炮和杵首次用来粉碎的颗粒点火粉末。A mortar and pestle was first used to pulverize the granules of Ignition Powder.

这些火炮可以在一瞬间灼烧整个大陆的表面,但并不能粉碎了某个星球。These guns could sear entire continents in a moment, but not pulverize an entire planet.

宣传海报和公司网站上称,锤子是用来把马多夫玩偶砸成碎片的。The hammer is to "pulverize Bernie Madoff," posters and the action figure unit's website said.

该机主要用于煤矸石、粉煤灰、页岩等原料生产过程,是原料处理关键设备。It is the equipment to pulverize and mix the material in the process of gangue, coal ash shale.

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这时就可以放进电动研磨器中磨碎,或是放在研钵里捣碎,也可以用绞肉机。When crisped, pulverize them in the electric blender, pound in a mortar, or put them through a meat grinder.

本发明提供一种可以将对象物有效粉体化的粉体化装置和方法。The present invention provides a pulverizing device and a pulverizing method that can efficiently pulverize an object.

就像一个好的品酒师,她会用手将马粪捻碎,轻轻地吹起,而后宣布我们找的肥料不好。Like a fine wine sniffer, she would pulverize the manure in her hand, take a whiff, and proclaim our fertilizer no good.

本粉碎机通过进料筒体能把各种捆好的和散装的牧草顺利、快捷地送入粉碎室中进行粉碎。The grinder can easily and rapidly send various grasses which are bundled or loosened to the grinding chamber to pulverize.

精确的撞击会将弹头撞成粉末,可以摧毁导弹所携带的任何核剂、化学制剂或生物制剂。The impact from a precise hit will pulverize the warhead anddestroy any nuclear, chemical, or biological agents it might be carrying.

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将粉底颜料装入喷枪中,使用低压将粉碎后的粉底颜料喷到皮肤表面。The pigment is introduced into the airbrushing gun and using low pressure the gun will pulverize the makeup on the surface of the skin.

本发明可粉碎硬度较大的泡沫塑料,粉碎后的泡沫塑料块大小均匀,粉碎效果好。The invention can pulverize foamed plastic with larger hardness and has good pulverizing effect, and the size of a pulverized foamed plastic block is uniform.

根据数值计算和现场测试分析,采取了有效措施,改变了磨机的工作状态,减小了磨机的振动和噪声。Based on numerical computation and online test, effective steps have been taken for the pulverize to change the working state, thus vibration and noise are reduced.

本机为卧式粉碎结构,物料由料斗进入粉碎室,利用旋转刀与固定刀之间的冲击、剪切作用而使物料粉碎,成品物料经过粉碎室底部的筛网流出。This series of equipment is a horizontal machine. When materials delivered in to pulverizing room, both rotary and fixed blade will pulverize the materials into granules.

在精确拦截的情况下,EKV的动能和导弹会粉碎弹头并摧毁任何导弹可能携带核能、化学能或者生物能的杀伤制剂。In the event of a precise hit, the kinetic energy of the EKV and the missile will pulverize the warhead and destroy any nuclear, chemical, or biological agents it might be carrying.