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展览者说。Exhibitor said.

你会随中国参展团出发吗?Will you join the Chinese exhibitor group?

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参展商现场的注册时间是什么?What are the Exhibitor onsite registration hours?

你会随中国参展团出发吗?Will you join the Chinese exhibitor group go to FOE?

本会将向所有参展商颁发参展证书一份。Each exhibitor will be issued with one Exhibition Certificate.

弗拉纳根也是一个大型展览会的重要参展者。Flanagan was also a prominent exhibitor in a large-scale exhibition.

英国大使馆正在为交易会的参展者举行晚会。The british embassy is holding a party for exhibitor at the trade fair.

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展出作品之包装、运送、保险,由展出者自行负责。The exhibitor is responsible for exhibition piece packaging, shipping and insurance.

在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他疲倦地回到了家里。After the banquets ,the concerts and the table tennis exhibitor ,he went home tiredly.

今年上海车展上,每家参展商都在流利地述说着各种百分数。Percentages trip off the tongue of every exhibitor at this year's Shanghai motor show.

目前正进行维修,请稍后重试。The HKTDC Exhibitor Online Platform is currently under maintenance. Please try again later.

在此,我代表中国工程塑料工业协会热烈欢迎每一位到会的展商及观众。Here on the behalf of CEPIA, I would like to give a warm welcome to every exhibitor and visitor.

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所以我们恳请参展商或代理人务必在进馆时间到达现场。It is recommended that exhibitor or representative must be present on-site during move-in period.

「所以并没有可以替业者创造出这项投资动机的财务模式」。So there's no financial model that creates an incentive for the exhibitor to make this investment.

比如展示者或观众你可能看不见狗的趾踏在里面或在外面,或是草丛中的平坦脚。As an exhibitor or spectator you may not be seeing the dog toeing in or out or flat feet in the grass.

他们公司作为参展商参加展会,临时雇了一位翻译帮忙。His company attended an international fair as an exhibitor and hired a translator for temporary service.

参展商在汇出各项费用后,请即日将银行汇单复印传真至组委会,以便核查。The exhibitor must fax your copy of bank craft to the Committee on this day after remitting every expense.

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华惠公司会将展品送到展台,等待参展商或他们的代理到场后签收、开箱。Hua Hui will deliver exhibits to stand, unpack them against the signature of exhibitor or his authorized agent.

在此情况下,参与费将不予返还,参展商也无权要求索赔。In this case, the participation fee shall not be refunded and the exhibitor shall have no claim for compensation.

确认参展后,参展者应指定一位参展代表,并通过正式途径告知西安世园会。Exhibitor after accepting the invitation shall appoint one representative and notify the organizer through formal means.