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前列腺腺体的小叶簇伴有筛状结构。Lobular clusters of glands with cribriform architecture.

应注意放疗中筛板区域脑组织的放疗剂量可能偏低。The dose to the cribriform region should be given more attention.

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筛状型预后最好,实体型预后最差。The prognosis was best for the cribriform type and worst for the solid type.

我认为是低级别DCIS,实体性和筛状生长构型。I would characterize this as low grade DCIS, solid and cribriform growth patterns.

图示乳腺导管内癌典型的筛孔状结构。The classic cribriform pattern of intraductal carcinoma of the breast is shown here.

筛窦顶壁与筛板的连接方式以高台式多见。The high type was the most connection modes between ethmoidal roof and cribriform plate.

前列腺增生,基底细胞清楚的存在,上皮细胞增生变厚,胞浆透明。This is cribriform clear cell hyperplasia. The best feature is patchy basal cells at the peripheral.

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值得注意的是中心处筛型且有明显微钙化的导管内癌组成部分。Note the intraductal component in the center with cribriform pattern and prominent microcalcifications.

我倾向于诊断实性DCIS的原因,是因为它周围也伴随筛状型DCIS或ADH。The reason I prefer the diagnosis of solid DCIS, becaused it is also associated with cribriform DCIS or ADH nearby.

嗅母细胞瘤同时有一个特殊的倾向,通过筛板进入至颅内。Esthesioneuroblastomas have a particular propensity for crossing the cribriform plate to enter the intracranial space.

①筛板和筛顶的宽度前、中、后部略有不同。There were slight differences among the anterior, middle, and posterior width of cribriform plate and cribriform roof.

如果存在或怀疑筛状板损伤,应经口留置胃管,以防胃管误插入颅腔。If the cribriform plate is fractured or a fracture is suspected, the gastric tube should be inserted orally to prevent intracranial passage.