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每个审批人员可以接受或拒绝该审批。Every approver can accept or reject his Approval.

经证实,赞成者改善了防水屋顶。It's proved that the approver improved waterproof roof.

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经证实,赞同者改善了防水屋顶.It’s proved that the approver improved waterproof roof.

流程现在可以用贷款批准者服务作为一个组件。The process is now able to use the loan approver service as a component.

由审批人综合判断是否应拒绝该申请。The approver considers and decides whether to reject the loan application or not.

鉴定书无主检、审核、批准签字无效。The certification is invalid without the signature of appraiser, checker and approver.

回顾MOC内容,包括所有支持文档和所有批准人的表决和评论。Review MOC content including all supporting documentation and all approver votes and comments.

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加载表单之后,发起人或审批人修改表单的值并提交表单。After the form is loaded, the initiator or approver modifies the values of the form and submits the form.

然后创建一个新电子邮件,附加更新的电子表格,并将电子邮件发送到链中的下一个审核人。They then create a new email, attach the updated spreadsheet, and send the email to the next approver in the chain.

报告必须有主检人、校核人、签发人签字,和质检专用章,否则报告无效。This report will be valid only with signatures of inspector, reviewer and approver and stamping of quality control.

经办人应当在职责范围内,按照审批人的批准意见办理担保业务。A handler shall, within the scope of its duties, handle the guaranty business according to the approval opinions of the approver.

经办人应当在职责范围内,按照审批人的批准意见办理对外投资业务。A handler shall, within the scope of its duties, handle the external investment business according to the approval opinions of the approver.

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与表单一起加载的还有成本列表和审批人列表实例,因此用户可以在采购流程中从列表中选择审批人。The form is loaded with the instances of the cost and approver list, so that the user can select the approver from a list, in this procurement process.

为简单起见,这个示例不实现复杂的代理决策,即材料创建的发起者同时也是审批者。For the sake of simplicity, no complex agent determination has been implemented in this sample, but rather the initiator of the material creation is also the approver.