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这必然是理想化的单色波的极限波形。This obviously is the limiting case of the idealized monochromatic wave.

穿上单色套装是显得个子高的一种非常有效的方法。Wearing a monochromatic outfit is a very effective way to create a longer look.

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更改数量为5,高斯分布,并检查单色方块。Change the Amount to 5, the Distribution to Gaussian, and check the Monochromatic box.

它使图像产生难看的颗粒,特别是在单块颜色的地方。It gives the image an unsightly grainy appearance, especially in smooth monochromatic areas.

早年他画过一张单色画,觉得不好看。Earlier on, the artist has painted a monochromatic painting, but thought it was not good enough.

目前可见光分光光度计所使用的单色光源都有一定的半宽度。At present, the monochromatic source used in visible spectrophotometer has a certain semibreadth.

然而,假如你实在想穿喷绘衣服,那就选择一件单色、低对比度的。However, if you want to wear a print, choose a print that's low in contrast and monochromatic in color.

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本文讨论了白光散斑图与单波长激光所产生的散斑图之差异。Speckles generated by a white light laser are different from those by conventional monochromatic lasers.

在碳弧前面放一个滤光片就可以得到令人满意的近单色光。A satisfactory approximation to monochromatic light can be obtained with a filter placed in front of the arc.

珍宁为其眼睛、脸颊和嘴唇挑了粉红色,选用单色系是化出艳丽彩妆最简易的方法。Choose matching colors for cheeks and lips, and, to simplify your look, go monochromatic. Jeanine's last tip?

黑色俄国羊羔毛和彩色或单色狐狸毛领和翻领应用于大衣和夹克。Black astrakhan and colorful or monochromatic fox fur collars and lapels are applied to overcoats and jackets.

本文介绍了日全食观测用日冕单色仪的一种设计方案。In this paper, a design scheme of the monochromatic coronagraph for the solar eclipse observation is described.

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大多是单色屏幕,仅能显示文本与黑白图片,且全都无法处理视频。Most of them have a monochromatic screen to display text and black-and-white pictures, and none can handle video.

多碱光电阴极的单色光电流实质上反映的是其在该单色光照射下的量子产额。The monochromatic photocurrent of photocathode actually reflects its quantum yield under the monochromatic light.

为什么会有如此多的时尚圈人士喜欢从头到脚的黑色?因为单色普遍看起来悦人。Why do so many fashion industry types wear head-to-toe black? Because monochromatic looks are universally flattering.

它能通过对各打印针的控制,方便地输出多灰度单色图像,且具较高的清晰度和定位精度。Controlling each pin, it can print multi-grey monochromatic image with good clearness and high location accuracy easily.

理论研究了利用液晶的偏振特性对单色光进行退偏原理。The principle to depolarize the monochromatic light using the the the characteristic of liquid crystal has been studied.

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假如在单色茶几上摆放颜色稍为艳丽些的杯子或条纹杯垫,就是很有效的办法。If color is put to be some more gorgeous cup or stripe cup mat a bit on monochromatic tea table, it is very efficient way.

单色视觉能力在陆地生物中非常罕见,因为分辨颜色的能力是陆地生物生存的一项工具。Monochromatic vision is very rare among land species, because color vision is a tool for survival in terrestrial habitats.

室内装修大量采用的乳胶漆目前是平质单色的一统天下。The monochromatic in a large amount of emulsion paint adopted of interior decoration unifies the whole country at present.