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中国的资本流入也会逐渐减少。Capital flows into China could also dwindle.

网咖的数目正开始逐渐减少中。The number of Internet cafes is starting to dwindle.

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穿过墓地,我听到城市的喧嚣声逐渐沉寂为一片嗡嗡声。Walking across the graveyardI hear the city's traffic dwindle to a low hum.

没有接受,一切教育活动都会成为无效劳动而失去意义。Has not accepted, all pedagogical activity can become the invalid work to dwindle.

我想时间会证明一切的,就好像我们时常可以看到他们的事业和命运有起有伏。I guess time will tell, as we watch their careers and fortunes either rise or dwindle.

在先前的渐新世,草地的面积增大,森林的面积减少。As in the Oligocene before it, grasslands continued to expand and forests to dwindle in extent.

雌性恐龙变得非常稀少,导致越来越少幼恐龙的出生,以致这个物种数量日渐稀少,直至灭绝。Females become rare, causing fewer young dinosaurs to be born and species to dwindle to extinction.

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要是我们试图回避挑战,那么创造力、动力、希望和积极性就都会开始减弱。If we try to avoid the confrontation then creativity, motivation, hope and positivity start to dwindle.

可是,还是许多求职者却会考虑,因为他们的账户存款数目逐渐减少,拒绝信越堆越高。Still, it's something many job seekers consider as their bank accounts dwindle and the rejection letters pile up.

农民用自行车或汽车把粮食贩卖到城市,排队买粮的城里人慢慢减少,最后完全消失。As farmers brought their crops to the city by bicycle or bus, long food lines began to dwindle and then disappear.

我们的迷信逐渐消失,我们对美和健康的思想越来越尊重,我们也就不那么崇敬他们了……And the less we honour them as our superstitions dwindle and our respect for beauty and health of mind increases...

像许多老工业城市一样,在二战末期Trenton被看到他的经济基础在明显的减少。Like many former industrial cities, Trenton has seen its economic base dwindle dramatically since the end of World War II.

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有讽刺意味的是,由于工资成本下降或停滞不前,工人的困境却可能让许多公司短期的收益超出预期。Paradoxically, labor's woes likely will enable many firms to beat near-term earnings expectations, as wage costs dwindle or stagnate.

大多数供电站的煤炭供应减少使中国中部的工厂及居民用电供电中断以及停电。Power cuts and blackouts hit factories and residential neighborhoods in central China as coal supplies dwindle at generating stations.

在爱荷华州,当水流量开始减少的时候,抽取地下水的民众就必须与其他持有河流所有权的人进行合作了。In Idaho people drawing groundwater are being ordered to work with other holders of stream water rights as the streams begin to dwindle.

在前方每年计划并预订会议场地时,Mila和Oa看着自己的银行帐户渐减到几乎空空如也。Mila and Oa have watched their bank account dwindle down to almost nothing as they plan ahead each year and book their conference space.

到了2009年初,迷药事件在snopes网站的“最受关注25条”中一路下降,现在关于迷药事件的问询邮件每天只有二三百封。By early 2009, the burundanga rumor is sliding down the list of the Hot 25 rumors on Snopes. Inquiries dwindle to a couple hundred a day.

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在揭幕战中,体现了该厂的圆顶和斗争为资源迅速减少,惊慌失措的居民生存。In the opener, the dome materializes and the residents of Chesters Mill struggle to survive as resources rapidly dwindle and panic sets in.

随着人口逐渐减少,这里剩馀居民无法继续养活自己,终于到1953年该岛被废弃。After its population began to dwindle and the few remaining inhabitants could no longer support themselves, Great Blasket was abandoned in 1953.

当我们年岁渐长,大多数人对学习以及成功的热情通常会日趋减少,我们会心甘情愿地满足于退而求其次。As we grow older the passion for learning and success generally tends to dwindle in most of us , and we become willing to settle for second best.