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秋是一个硕果累累的季节,我们却有要孕育新的果实。Autumn is full of achievement, but we should gestate the new fruitage.

农民在春天播种,秋天收果,而我们呢?Farmer have planting in Spring and getting fruitage in Autumn, and you?

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青春的梦想与依恋,期待爱情的果实。With the dreams and attachings of the youth. look forward to the fruitage of love.

风暴乃是祝福,在那「之后」是丰盛的果实。A blessing is in the storm, and there will be the rich fruitage in the "afterward."

又称白果树,是地球上生长着的最古老的高等植物之一。Is also called white fruitage tree, and it is one of the higher plants, which have the longest life.

所有生命,除非从深深根植于普通土壤里的梗茎中汲取养分。Nothing living can blossom into fruitage unless through nourishing stalks deep-planted in the common soil.

这些作家从格罗提乌斯思想的幼芽中开出的花朵和结成的果实,我可以举出许多例证。AS to the bloom and fruitage evolved by these writers out of the germ ideAS of Grotius I might give many examples.

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同时随着生活水平的提高和水果品种的多样性,国内消费者对瓜果品质的要求也越来越高。With the increasing living standard and abundance of various fruitage supply, there is a large demand for higher quality sweet melon fruits.

结果浙江大学学生的膳食组成比较全面,以粮谷类为主,其次为蔬菜、水果类。Results The dietary composition in Zhejiang University students was comprehensive, grain was main food, and green vegetables and fruitage next.

可见,沈阳金色果园农产品有限公司在水果行业已有丰富的实战经验,并积极寻求科技含量高和高质进口产品来丰富企业的销售渠道。Obviously, Shenyang Gold Fruitage Agriculture limited company has the enormous experiences in it, eagerly seek for deep procession product and high quality ones enrich enterprise panel of selling.

超市部主要为东北地区大润发超市配送新鲜水果,果品质量和时间的保证已经确立了稳定的客户资源。The fresh fruit are distributed to RT-mart by supermarket department in the northeast, . The quality of fruitage and the assurance of come-in time has established the firm relationship with custom.