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别用袖子擦鼻子!Don't sleeve your nose!

鸡英上袖位打褶。Pleated cuff at sleeve join.

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他急扯我的袖子。He twitched me by the sleeve.

我仍然扯着他的衣袖。I’m still holding his sleeve.

汤姆备有锦囊妙计胸有成竹。Tom had an ace up his sleeve.

你能织补撕破的袖子吗?Can you knit a torn sleeve up?

左袖底部的标志。Logo at bottom of left sleeve.

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放在袖子里就能带着走了。I could just put it in a sleeve.

把你的手穿过袖子。Put your hnd through the sleeve.

她能织补撕破的袖子。She could knit a torn sleeve up.

他的葫芦里到底卖的是什么药?What has he got up in his sleeve?

橡胶ID套和背带袖子。Rubber ID sleeve and strap sleeves.

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她缝好了他衣袖上的裂口。She sewed up the rip in his sleeve.

独立小桥风满袖。Alone on the bridge, wind in sleeve.

我就要掏出我的心放在袖头。I will wear my heart upon my sleeve.

那试一下三十五寸的袖子。Let's try a thirty-five inch sleeve.

一个小姑娘扯了扯我的衣袖。One little girl tugged at my sleeve.

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她撢去袖子上的灰末。She dusted some ash from her sleeve.

对于他的恐吓,我暗自好笑。I laughed in my sleeve at his menaces.

提利昂用袖子擦了擦脸。Tyrion mopped at his face with a sleeve.