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这是一匹未驯服的马。It's an unbroken horse.

这种媒质连绵不断地从一个星体扩展到另一个星体。The medium extends unbroken from star to star.

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他把那些信全都原封不拆退了回往。He sent back the letters with the seals unbroken.

恩戈罗戈罗火山是世界上最大的未喷发火山。Ngorongoro Crater, the world's largest unbroken caldera.

无损的誓约像明灯一样照亮精神上的无明。The unbroken samaya is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness.

听到他讲连贯的英语真令人难以置信。It was unbelievable to hear him talk in unbroken English.

湖面很长,除两处小岛外,大体连成一片。The lake is long and unbroken except for two small islands.

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你要避免伤到手指,这样才能解开安全带。You need those fingers unbroken to unfasten your seat belt.

甚至更为蹊跷的是,这条街道鸦雀无声,寂静异常。Even more odd, the street was filled by an unbroken silence.

但在取信时,我发现封口还没有拆开。But when I came to open it I found that the seal was unbroken.

高音部为女高音或男童声高音部。The soprano voice is the high female voice or unbroken male voice.

以个大,身乾完整无破碎者佳。Those which are large, dry, unbroken pieces are considered superior.

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在阴暗的天空之下,那一层层的街道都铺上了不见一丝褶皱的雪被。Under the dark sky the street lay piled in an unbroken bank of snow.

这是一颗被压弯、玷污,但还没有被压碎的自尊心坚强地下的决心。It was the grim resolution of a bent, bedraggled, but unbroken pride.

叹息啊---,啊,格兰提亚,你同时比那为驯化的牛犊更狂奔。Yet. O Gelatea, you are at the same time wilder than an unbroken heifer.

“未破裂”的劳拉希伦布兰德讲述了一个叫路易斯曾佩琳。"Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand tells about a man named Louis Zamperini.

好在杯子没有摔坏,她拾起它来往里面倒茶。She picked up the mug, thankfully unbroken , and proceeded to pour the tea.

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相对论则将时间、空间及重力看作光滑、不可分割的连续统一体。Relativity treats time and space and gravity as a smooth, unbroken continuum.

物质利益继续保持沉默,眼睛依旧直直地盯着对方。The Material Interest maintained an unbroken silence and an unwavering stare.

然而,尽管喀洛斯和穆赛德斯相处融洽和谐,他们的天性却彼此不同。But though Kalos and Musides dwelt in unbroken harmony, their natures were not alike.