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波丽把壶放上去。Polly put the kettle on.

波丽问,“我们打过赌的。”" asked Polly. "We had a bet.

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我指的是他的女友,啵莉*发现。I refer to his girl, Polly Espy.

宝莉是个能干的磋商者。Polly is a competent negotiator.

我说︰「宝姨姨也病了。I said, Auntie Polly is sick, too.

于是,波莉向花园街走去。Polly set off towards Park Street.

这只鸟是我的,它的名字叫菠莉。This is my bird. Its name is Polly.

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宝莉不仅生气而且难过。Polly is not only angry but also sad.

这是我的鹦鹉,它的名字叫波力。This is my parrot. Its name is Polly.

“为什么不给?”波丽问,“我们打过赌的。”"Why not?" asked Polly. "We had a bet.

他常在五点钟喂波利。He usually feeds Polly at five o'clock.

快别在波莉姑姑面前说这些废话。Now don't talk stuff before Aunt Polly.

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“喂,朝后看!看后面!”波莉说。"I say, look back! Look behind, " said Polly.

宝利时尚饰品,让生活更多彩。Polly fashion jewelry makes life more colorful.

我肯定波莉姑姑会大为震惊。I am sure Aunt Polly will be dreadfully shocked.

所以,波力就是偷妈妈项链的小偷。So Polly was the thief who stole Mum's necklace.

你看,波莉姨妈希望这样的事做得恰当。Youy see, Aunt Polly wants it to be done properly.

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波利给小燕打电话看她是否想出去。Polly phones Xiaoyan to see if she wants to go out.

宝利时尚钢饰,钢显魅力人生!Polly fashion steel Jewelry, Show your Charming Life!

波莉了大量的胆量,一'了一些她的风格,也。Polly got lots of spunk, an' she got some style, too.