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在它演进的背后,主要力量是什么?What were the main forces behind its evolvement?

简约是语言历时演变的一种趋势。Reduction is a trend of language diachronic evolvement.

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可惜进化是一件很花时间的过程。What a pity that evolvement is a time-consuming process.

这需要从关羽形象演化史中去探究。This can be proved from the evolvement of Guan Yu's image.

该文通过分析,揭示出这一规划制度的演变过程。Through analyzing, this article posts the evolvement of the system.

其次,文章介绍了张庄的地理沿革与历史变迁。Next, it narrates the evolvement of Long-Bow's geography and history.

其次,汉字的演变是从繁到简。The second one, the evolvement of characters is from complex to simple.

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C3I系统的出现是指挥自动化的重大进展。The appearance of C3I system is great evolvement of command roboticized.

第三章,义素外现类复合名词现象的原因分析。The second chapter presents the research on evolvement on this category of words.

信息化在环境社会系统演化过程中具有双向功能。Informatization plays a dual role in the evolvement of environmental-social system.

民间门神的演变与皇家对民风的倡导有着直接的关系。The evolvement of folk door spirit had direct connection to the imperial advocation.

阐明了各沉积环境的沉积特征和沉积环境演化。The sedimentary characters and evolvement of sedimentary environments have expounded.

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企业组织是伴随环境的进化而进化的。Enterprise organization is evolving with the evolvement of organizational environment.

得到了焊接过程中纵向应力的演变规律与焊后应力场的分布情况。Evolvement of longitudinal stress and residual stress field after welding are obtained.

依据组织进化理论,建立科学的企业组织形式的标准。In the light of evolvement method, we should set up scientific criterion of enterprise.

文章主要介绍腹腔镜的发展历史和未来发展趋势。The article focuses on the evolvement and the future development trend of the celioscope.

作为一个传媒大国,美国的媒体演变过程更值得关注。As a huge country, the evolvement of media in America is worth to pay attention a fortiori.

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岩溶地面塌陷的影响因素很多,发展过程也复杂。There are many influence factors and complex evolvement course for karst ground subsidence.

现今盆地的演化可能处于第二次伸展减薄—热事件的同裂谷相的晚期。Currently the evolvement of the basin is probably in late syn-rift phase of the second event.

人口的老龄化趋势与家庭结构的演变使城市空巢家庭大量增加。The aging tendency and the evolvement of family structure cause the boom of empty nest family.