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相反,犹他最近13场却输了10场。Conversely, Utah has lost 10 of 13.

园坑池,中途,犹他州。Homestead Crater Pool, Midway, Utah.

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我甚至搬到了犹他州,为了和他在一起。I even moved to Utah to be with him.

呢位用户目前住喺犹他州。This user lives in the state of Utah.

于是,他去买一张去犹他州的汽车票。Then he went to buy a bus ticket to Utah.

犹他是最年轻的,在未来29在轻捷。Utah is the youngest, coming in at a spry 29.

是美国犹他州大学的研究人员。M. C. is a researcher at the University of Utah.

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巨数公司和犹他大学上诉了。Myriad and the University of Utah have appealed.

加州大学圣芭芭拉分校和犹他大学随后加入。UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah later join.

在犹他州峡口的宰恩国家公园里的两个徒步旅行者。Two hikers in the Narrows, Zion National Park, Utah.

日落时暴雷云移动在犹太州玉米田的上空。Storm clouds move in over a Utah cornfield at sunset.

我们如果发布新闻说一架C-141在犹他州坠毁。We put out a press releasing a C-141 went down in utah.

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特克斯温特打从上赛季与犹他爵士的系列赛后就一直待在迈阿密。Tex has been M. I. A. since the Utah series last season.

犹他州欧伦附近的联合循环天然气发电厂。A combined cycle natural gas power plant near Orem, Utah.

对阵爵士和黄蜂他分别拿下40分和39分。He had 40 points against Utah and 39 against New Orleans.

照片是从犹他州的死马角州立公园这个方位拍摄的。Here is a photo from Dead Horse Point State Park in Utah.

马里奥?卡佩基是美国犹他州的科学家。Mario Capecchi is a researcher at the University of Utah.

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阵风把犹他州野火吹至盐湖城郊区。Gusty winds whip Utah wildfire into Salt Lake City suburb.

犹他州的公园城市和雪鸟让一些儿童免费滑雪。Park City and Snowbird in Utah let some children ski free.

那个系列赛中湖人以4-2的大比分打败爵士队。That series closed with a 4-2 vanquishing of the Utah Jazz.