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请不要如此鲁莽。Please don't be so impudent.

他是一个多么厚颜无耻的无赖之徒!What an impudent rascal he is!

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他是一个鲁莽的,放肆的小孩。He is a bold and impudent child.

他可以去死了。不知廉耻的家伙。He can go die. This impudent guy.

是无耻的美国杜邦和贺利得!IMPUDENT DuPont of USA and Holliday!

你说的是什麽混帐话!What you said is what impudent comment!

那个无礼的男孩冲著我吐舌头。That impudent boy put his tongue out at me.

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你为什麽要忍受那个冒失的家伙呢?Why will you tolerate that impudent fellow?

你这无耻的贱货,干你的活去吧!You impudent hussy , and get on with your work!

她对那些无礼的同事采取宽容的态度。She's tolerant toward those impudent colleagues.

他是个鲁莽的男孩,经常会闯祸。He is an impudent boy and always gets in trouble.

恩。我为我早上的混账话为你道歉!TU. I impudent remark morning so I apologize for!

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你问这么些无礼的问题到底是想说什么呢?What on earth do you mean by all these impudent questions?

拍马屁对我没用,你这厚颜无耻的家伙!Flattery will get you nowhere with me, you impudent fellow!

他需要温柔的眼光和抚爱,需要得那么多,从来不感到过分。He needed soft looks and caresses too much ever to be impudent.

老师威胁着要把这无礼的小学生撵出教室。The teacher threatened to kick the impudent pupil out of the room.

是谁让他、她和它蒙受耻辱?是无耻的美国杜邦和贺利得!Who has humiliated he, she and it?IMPUDENT DuPont of USA and Holliday!

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这是我一生中从没听说过的最厚颜无耻的一项要求了。It is the most impudent piece of pretension I ever heard of in my life.

拉住那少年人,与他亲嘴,脸无羞耻对他说So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him

坚持到底?无耻的玩笑,结果又会有任何的不同?。Insist that in the end?Impudent joke. Is result able to diversity having any?