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我喜欢戴银首饰。I like to wear argentine jewellery.

她去了阿根廷,我仍在中国科技大学。She went to Argentine. I was still in USTC.

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蒂索内是在意大利踢球的阿根廷人。Tissone is Argentine with an Italian passport.

还有2000年至2002年的阿根廷债务危机There's also the Argentine Crisis of 2000-2002.

根廷崩溃供重教。Argentine debacle has important lessons to teach.

一对表演者在表演阿根廷探戈舞。A pair of performers is performing Argentine tango.

尤文已开始行动,准备在夏季转会市场上签下萨维奥拉。Juventus are set to go Argentine for the summer market.

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产自阿根廷,是阿根廷版的黑布丁,不同的是这种黑布丁是在木炭烤的。Morcilla, Argentina. Argentine version of Black Pudding.

如果不顾它们的恶名,阿根廷蚂蚁可以说是很好的旅行家。DESPITE their name, Argentine ants are a well-travelled lot.

我肯定小伙子们和阿根廷足球可以渡过难关。I am sure the guys and Argentine football will pull through.

中国也十分欢迎阿企业到中国投资兴办实业。Investments by Argentine enterprises in China are also welcomed.

虽然比赛的接力棒已从他们这一代球星的手上,传给了下一代。The game may have passed to a new generation of Argentine stars.

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他们中的所有人都是阿根廷男篮国家队的一员。All of them were part of the Argentine National Team of Basketball.

阿根廷小说家和短篇小说作家。Guillermo Martínez is an Argentine novelist and short- story writer.

1973年,阿根廷前任总统胡安。贝隆重新执掌政权。In 1973, former Argentine president Juan Peron was returned to power.

阿根廷人每天都尽自己最大努力来争取连续出场时间。The Argentine does his best every day to earn continuity on the team.

比赛几小时之后,杜舍尔对阿根廷媒体说了这样一番话。A few hours after the match Duscher told the Argentine press just that.

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科学家一直在阿根廷冬栖地检查红腹滨鹬的数量。Scientists have been counting knots in their Argentine winter quarters.

在备忘录中,阿方正式承认中国的市场经济地位。In the memo, the Argentine side recognized China's market economy status.

星期二在古道上发生的一次泥石流已使一名阿根廷游客和她的导游遇害。A mudslide on the trail killed an Argentine tourist and her guide Tuesday.