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预知定价和运送详情请点击这里。Pricing and shipping details here.

货到也门的亚丁的到岸价是多少?How much is shipping to Aden, Yemen?

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免费送货到美国。Free "shipping" to the United States.

果箱,蔬菜箱用来运输水果或蔬菜的包装箱。A box for shipping fruit or vegetables.

从头来还是直接进入配送环节?Beginning or go straight into shipping?

我们要收取运费和处理费吗?Do we charge for shipping and handling?

对邮递区号进行同样的操作。Do the same for the shipping postal code.

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这些机器被拆卸下来以便装运。The machines were dismounted for shipping.

费和运送费由客户承担。Fees and shipping charges from the customer.

装运日期,装运刻日,装运时刻。Shipping date, Time Limit, Time of shipment.

航运公司已经收到了他的预付款。The shipping line has gotten his prepayment.

安全是航运界关注的焦点。Safety is the focus in the field of shipping.

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渡海东行的星星,在城中驻足。Shipping to the east, in town the star shone.

时效性就涉及到了运输政策。Timeliness extends to shipping policies, too.

这是中国船验局的验船师。I'm the surveyor from ZC Register of shipping.

请负责船务的人听电话。May I speak to someone in charge of shipping ?

如果装船数量大,我们还可以办到。By shipping in quantities we could manage that.

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做些可以让你接近启航的事情吧。Do something that moves you closer to shipping.

浮冰对这一带的航运是一种威胁。Ice-floes are a threat to shipping in the area.

今天的对话来自航运公司。The listening today is from a shipping company.