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生活是永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。Life is an isthmus between two eternities.

这个陆地的狭窄地带,我们称之为巴拿马地峡。It was the neck of land which we call the Isthmus of Panama.

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澳门仅仅有一小块地带与中国大陆接壤。Macau is attached to mainland China only by a narrow isthmus.

现在与未来的大陆在南北分立中间则有着地峡。The present and future continents north and south, with the isthmus.

地峡对于意识形态的争论不休和对政治持怀疑态度。The isthmus seethes with ideological polarisation and political mistrust.

使许多自然学者相信这个地蛱在以前原是开通的。This fact has led naturalists to believe that the isthmus was formerly open.

位于颈部气管前,由左右两叶及中间的峡部构成。The thyroid gland has a right lobe and a left lobe connected by a narrow isthmus.

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于右房三尖瓣环与下腔静脉之间的峡部进行线性消融。Linear ablation along the isthmus between tricuspid valve and inferior vena cava was performed.

位于三尖瓣环和下腔静脉口间的峡部为消融部位。The ablation target site was the isthmus between tricuspid valve annulus and inferior vana cava.

壶腹部和峡部均由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成。The oviduct ampulla and isthmus were composed of mucous layer, tunica muscularis and adventitia.

输卵管峡部吻合后宫内妊娠率最高。The reanastomosis of isthmus and isthmus resulted in the highest rate of intrauterine pregnancy.

方法总结96例甲状腺结节患者行一侧腺叶加峡部切除所采取的术式。Methods All 96 patients with nodule were operated by resection of only thyroid leave and its isthmus.

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然后进行一系列过滤,保证凸状多边形能保持最小的狭缝宽度。A series of filters then ensures that convex polygons with peninsulas maintain a minimum isthmus width.

对根管管间峡区的诊断和治疗,是牙髓外科手术成功的关键。The location and treatment of the canal isthmus may be a prerequisite to successful surgical endodontics.

同年,巴尔沃亚跨过了巴拿马地峡到达了太平洋。Also in Fifteen-Thirteen, Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean.

后者在繖部的密度明显高于近子宫端处。Subepithelial capillary density in the fimbriae was markedly higher than that in the isthmus and uterine part.

根管管间峡区是同一牙根内、两根管间,含有牙髓或牙髓生成组织的一种狭窄带状结构。An isthmus is defined as a narrow, ribbon-shaped communication between two root canals that contains pulp tissues.

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毛囊皮脂腺导管开口至立毛肌附着处为峡部。The portion of the follicle between the sebaceous duct and the insertion of the arrector pili muscle is the isthmus.

探讨椎弓根螺钉系统联合椎间植骨融合器治疗峡部不连性腰椎滑脱症的远期疗效。To investigate the late results of pedicle screw system and cage fixation for lumbar broken isthmus spondylolisthesis.

方法应用钉钩系统单节段固定加上峡部植骨融合治疗青少年腰椎峡部不连。Methods 5 teenagers were diagnosed lumbar discontinuous isthmus and treated by fusion and single section fixation by HS.