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吴哥窟里很多面相中的一个。One of the many faces at Angkor Thom.

很快,一个新的都市又在吴哥通建起来了。Soon a new capital was built at Angkor Thom.

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吴哥窟塔攀爬的台阶很陡。Angkor Wat Tower's stairs are steep to climb.

狗沉浸在吴哥窟的朝阳中。Dogs soaking up the morning sun at Angkor Wat.

12世纪的遗址包括小吴哥窟与大吴哥城。The 12th century ruins include Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom.

狮子雕在吴哥窟庙宇的台阶旁。Lion statues standing at the stairs of the Angkor Wat temple.

佛像为吴哥城的石头遗迹带来了生机。Buddha statue brings life to the stone remnants of Angkor Thom.

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佛像为吴哥城的石头遗迹带来了生机。A Buddha statue brings life to the stone remnants of Angkor Thom.

一位记者对柬埔寨吴哥寺维护修理工作的报道。A journalist reports on repair work at the temple Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

直到1990年考古学家们才再次得以安全地在吴歌工作。Not until the early 1990s could archaeologists again work safely at Angkor.

不久一个新的城堡在吴哥通被建造,但是在1434年被遗弃。Soon a new capital was built at Angkor Thom, but this was deserted in 1434.

就这样,我不禁想起了吴哥窟附近暹粒的塔普伦寺来。In this way, this walk reminds of Siem Reap’s Ta Prohm temple near Angkor Wat.

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神石湿婆林伽竖立在柬埔寨吴哥寺华美的围墙之间。A Siva Linga stands amid the ornate walls of the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia.

巨大的绞杀植物无花果树树根互相拥抱这破碎的塔布隆寺在吴哥窟。Giant strangler fig tree roots embrace the crumbling Ta Prohm temple at Angkor.

卡拉科尔就是我们所说的低密度农业城市中心,类似于吴哥窟。Caracol is what we call a low-density agricultural urban center, like Angkor Wat.

泰国人较易地取得了胜利,他们终于在1431年洗劫了吴哥。The Thais had a relatively easy victory when they finally sacked1 Angkor in 1431.

泰国人较易地取得了胜利,他们终于在1431年洗劫了吴哥。The Thais had a relatively easy victory when they finally sacked4 Angkor in 1431.

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我鹄立在主进口处,赞扬古代吴哥窟构筑师的成绩。At the main entrance, I admire the achievement of Angkor Wat's ancient architects.

吴哥窟在12世纪早期初建时就令参观者们敬畏不已。Angkor Wat has awed visitors since it was first built in the early twelfth century.

身着高棉传统服装的舞蹈演员准备在吴哥窟寺庙表演节目。Dancers in traditional Khmer dress prepare to perform at the Angkor temple complex.