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他灵光一动,一副对联就这样出来了。He Emmanuel a move, so out of a couplet.

当汤米•艾曼纽尔接到电话时,他吃惊得脸色都变苍白。TOMMY Emmanuel went white when he got the call.

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菲德尔让杰姬和埃利坚持间隔。Fidel let Jackie and Emmanuel Leon insist intervals.

埃马纽埃尔·柯拉塞里向他的女朋友罗莉·提格拉求婚。Emmanuel Corazzari proposed to girlfriend Lori Tiggalaar.

上帝的名字是厄玛努尔,即上帝与我们同在。The Name of God is numen preasens, God with us, Emmanuel.

不过,埃布艾和宋今早归队了。However Emmanuel Eboue and Alex Song have been in this morning.

而埃兹则是尼斯与摩纳哥之间的一个小村庄。While Emmanuel this is nice and Monaco between a small village.

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埃布埃是阿森纳更衣室的最活跃有趣的人。EMMANUEL EBOUE is the life and soul of the Arsenal dressing room.

汤米•艾曼纽和菲尔将于明日和星期五在星光之城进行表演。Tommy and Phil Emmanuel perform at Star City tomorrow and Friday.

埃利边打工,边学习,获得了很好的成果。Emmanuel profit margin part-time job, and learn, get a good result.

阿森纳看来将在明天比赛中失去埃布埃。Arsenal are likely to be without Emmanuel Eboué for tomorrow's match.

我喜欢阿德巴约,我也喜欢多哥国家队。I like the footballer Emmanuel Adebayor and I like the Togolese team.

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埃布埃被选入科特迪瓦队的30人名单。Emmanuel Ebouehas been named in Ivory Coast's provisional 30-man squad.

黄伟,清华大学和美国俄亥俄州立大学,教授。Emmanuel Monod, PhD, HDR Associate Professor, Paris Dauphine University.

所以,虽然这里没有以马内利这个词的出现,但是意思已经表达了。So even though we don't have the word Emmanuel here, the meaning is here.

埃利看到杰姬一点也记不起以前的事情,有点泄气。Emmanuel Leon see Jackie don't remember previous things, a bit frustrated.

埃布也会缺阵,他还没有从脚踝的伤势中恢复。Emmanuel Eboue is still out too. He has not recovered from his ankle injury.

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埃利不想分开杰姬,兄弟两发作争持。Emmanuel and don't want to separate the two attacks, brother Jackie favoured.

祂幷没有在祂「与我们同在」的任何后果中退缩。He did not draw back from any of the consequences of his being "with us", Emmanuel.

阿德巴约和帕夫柳琴科之间的比较很有意思。There was an interesting contrast between Emmanuel Adebayor and Roman Pavlyuchenko.